Ooooo Arabs! Lebanon became another GAZA..Who is the next?!

O LAS! No way, but pains!!!

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Osama Sharshar ✍️

Lebanon, O Arabs, has become in the line of fire of the Israeli enemy to complete the Zionist project and for the Lebanese people to pay the price of the mistakes and sins of our Arab weakness, which has become a major crime against the Arab peoples from the ocean to the Gulf.

And the question for the 100th time: Where is the League of Arab States (LAS) and its Secretary-General, Ambassador Ahmed Aboul Gheit?!

Away from the slogans, appeals and condemnations that have lost their content, we must admit that what happened in Gaza in terms of the genocide of people, stones and demographic change will unfortunately be repeated with the same scenario in beloved Lebanon, its authentic people and its free south, which is receiving blow after blow while we remain silent and watching what is happening, especially the last painful blow with the electronic hacking that paralyzed all communications movement, and no one should tell me that America did not know the place and time of the Israeli strike, which killed dozens of civilians and injured thousands of those who use communication devices (pagers) in addition to hundreds of dead and nearly a thousand wounded victims of the air strikes, which reached 650 air sorties targeting 1100 targets belonging to Hezbollah, and caused the fall of 356 martyrs and 1246 wounded. But I confirm that this wonderful and iconic Lebanese people, who carry the purity of the human soul and the beauty of the divine spirit with their various spectra and affiliations, and whom I visited in Tyre and Sidon in the south, kneaded with the constants of the Arab national project, and wrapped in the cover of the Arab resistance against the Zionists – did not find support, aid or support from their Arab brothers and sisters, and although Lebanon is the cradle of words, poets and creators, the angelic voice of Fairuz is besieged, slaughtered and killed electronically and by phone, because we have come to live in a time where “the carrier or the carried” has no value and the hacking and hackers have come from within us because they sold the land and honor for dollars, they are the corrupt and the new Americanized pretenders who know nothing but treason, the language of the new era, and governance has become the great murder.. (May God burn the day that made us witness this scene with the fall of martyrs, victims and wounded, and we must expose the traitors from top to bottom.. and then the surprise will happen, O Arabs). But let’s say that events are fast and successive, so where is the support for Lebanon, O Arabs, in the face of the Zionist invasion that has not happened in modern history?! Netanyahu does what he wants and what he does not want in order to achieve the Zionist dream that is being realized step by step, and as I said, and I repeat, Israel was afraid to commit any criminal act for fear of the Arab reaction that was unified, strong and influential against the Zionist entity, but the issue now has become (an Arab-Arab conflict in favor of Israel).

Indeed, it is now being repeated – and I did not believe it – that there are some Arab countries that support Israel with money and weapons, and this is a disaster and a dangerous Arab Chernobyl that will explode at some point and the facts and secrets will be revealed, and let us speak frankly, the first issue for these countries is Egypt, and the attempt to jump over Egypt’s historical role, which is in line with Israel’s and America’s desire for Egypt to be the grand prize, but no way.. That will never happen due to geography and history; Because this great Egyptian people cannot be deciphered or their genes, and even if the nuclear bomb is used, the Egyptians will find a solution to neutralize it, and this is the true strength of Egypt with its people and army, the best soldiers on earth, as the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, said.

So why not holding an emergency Arab summit and take a unified Arab decision, even once, by cutting off all diplomatic and economic relations with Israel?! I do not go too far if I say America before Israel; because it is the real actor and the actual sponsor of all Zionist ambitions projects in the Arab region, but I confirm that (Biden’s promise – and any other Biden who rules the United States of America – is more dangerous than the Balfour Declaration); because they want to erase Palestine from the world map, and liquidate the Palestinian issue in neighboring Arab countries, especially Egypt and Jordan, and here the biggest headache ends and the Palestinian people disappear forever.

The second question: Why have Arab pressure cards, such as oil and gas, not been used yet to stop the bleeding in Lebanon? They will say that here is Hezbollah and there is Hamas. We will tell them that the Zionist lobby and Netanyahu are more dangerous than any resistance, because they have expansionist agendas at the expense of neighboring countries.

I stopped a lot when Sheikh Akram Sabri, the preacher of Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Mufti of Jerusalem, shouted (Oh Arabs, oh Muslims.. Al-Aqsa is in danger!), and I believe that we are now in a situation (the Arab and Muslim person has become a thing of the past).

Will we remain in a state of division and weakness, waiting for instructions after instructions, with the final result being the extermination of people, land and everything?!

We will pay the price for all of this in the future, because what happened in Gaza and southern Lebanon will affect some Arab countries, sooner or later, in order to achieve the Zionist dream and the Jewish project, which they explicitly announced in the Knesset that there will be no Palestinian state.

Wake up, may God have mercy on you.. Stand behind Egypt and support its people, and the equation will change, and the axis of Arab resistance will return to the Arab countries, after we have become warring and different peoples and tribes, and the only beneficiary is Netanyahu, Ben Gvir and Smotrich.

Lebanon is being lost before our eyes and there is no escape.. and Al-Aqsa, the first of the two Qiblahs and the third of the two Holy Mosques, finds no one to defend it.

Mercy on those on earth

To be mercified  by God

And life for the peoples 


Transparency, my 🌉 to all..

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