People of Israel! Let’s hear your peaceful voice! 

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Svitlana Yaremiy ✍️

Geopolitical viewer

One year passed since that October 07, 2023, when Hamas attacked civilian positions in Israel, creating hostages. They kidnapped civilians, boys and girls, people who were violated in their daily activities, while they were playing sports or cooking or even staying in their homes. But what are the roots of this hatred so visceral and so deep to kidnap people?

We still don’t know where they have hidden them and if they are still alive. All we know for is that the hatred between Palestinians and Israelis, is so deep that it’s just enough a drop of petrol to inflame the most warlike hearts on both sides. But what is the root of such deep hatred between two nations living on the same narrow strip of land? A Land so small and so greedy that must be cultivated by you so hardly to bear some fruit.

The origin of it all dates to 1948 when the Jews arrived in modern Israel after the persecution, humiliation and devastation suffered in the Second World War by the Nazis. Remember Who You Are!!! You arrived on ships and at the beginning you were only in a few, rejected by everyone, but accepted by the only one country that didn’t refuse you. The Palestinians welcomed you as the brotherly nation. They did not have much land, but they were willing to huddle together to share with you the little space they had, sharing your pain as well. And you, dear Israelis once you arrived in the promised land, you only wanted peace, didn’t you? ‘Never more war, never more persecution, never more oppression between man and man’ you swore to all and to yourselves. That was your promise.

Remember who you are! You wanted to do everything to prevent others from blaming the Jews in the future, even though in front of one’s own misfortunes it is always convenient to blame those who are stronger. Blaming the Jews is convenient for the governments and for the oppressed masses who always find an escape valve to identify a common enemy. Especially, it’s very convenient for the Arab monarchies that keep the Arab masses in poverty, in overpopulation, without any future prospect of improvement, and if they are not satisfied by their totalizing religion of Islam, they have as a panacea the visceral hatred towards Israelis and the Jewish community in general. We are also currently witnessing a return of anti-Semitism in Europe. The economic crisis, the decline of Western society, and one’s own failure have become the causes of hatred and resentment towards Jews. And now with the current war in Gaza you are only fueling this anti-Semitism against yourselves!

Remember who you are!!! Remember that you promised once peace and harmony, but a few days after your arrival in Palestine, you forgot this promise and transformed peace into constant threats. While all you had to do to avoid conflict was to remember the times when all European countries including Britain left you to your fate and no one of them cared how you would fare and if you would fare at all. Everyone, except the Palestinians, who gave you the land and gave you the house, and therefore, life. You have made enormous steps since you got there.

But you forgot one thing! You forgot that in that land there are the people, the Palestinian people; the people that have sacrificed their life for decades to make space for you, who were becoming more and more numerous from different corners of the world! The Palestinians were forced to squeeze more and more and due to the endless conflicts, they were deprived of food, of work, of home, and even of water, because you even built a fence of spines to separate yourselves from them. It seems you have built another Berlin Wall! But don’t you remember anymore who you are?

The conflict lasts almost a century, and nothing has been resolved because that is the unique space you must coexist in! There is no other one, if both of you consider it yours by birth or by right. You need one of other. Therefore, it is a crucial to end this war, once for all. Because since the beginning of war there is no lack of hatred to inflame it. There is a lack of solutions to end it, even if there were some attempts in the past. But every time you have not achieved the peace, even when the solution seemed to be close. There were obstacles, even external ones. The Arab countries frowned upon the birth of the Palestinian state. It was much more convenient for them to keep everyone hanging by the noose on the Palestinian matter. In this way, they have a way of governing the internal masses. But remember who you are! Remember that this can’t continue endlessly! It is very easy to wage a war! It is much more difficult to end it! And it is even harder to know what to do the next day.

But I know what you can do the next day, and I tell you it now: ‘Stop! Cease fire! War is useless, senseless, and unfounded! Wars cannot be won! Let us move immediately to an unconditional truce! Don’t be tricked by masses that won’t lay down their weapons, even if someone keeps firing from over there! Let’s stop for a while! Let us take a long breath and try to think how to arrive at the peacemaking solution.

Who said that a Palestinian state couldn’t be created? Who said that a Palestinian entity couldn’t be created? Who said that a Palestinian community with a legal structure equivalent to a state couldn’t be created? I suppose that now you do not trust the Palestinians anymore because you have no guarantee that as soon as they are back to their life, the next day they will not wage war against you because of the rancor or deep hatred transmitted from mother to son!

So, let’s make such guarantee! Let’s organize 5 Security Council countries involving Russia and the Arab League! Although I wonder what happened to the Arab League. Why doesn’t it make proposals? Let’s involve everyone! These all countries are great to tell you how to end the war by always looking down on it from their high pedestals, but they don’t live it as you live it in Israel, and therefore, they can’t imagine how you live in Israel every day with fear, risks and stress! Involve the UN as well. Let’s born some sort of Palestinian state under the UN law, under the UN’s daily supervision. And if you are afraid of Palestinian resentment, why don’t adopt Japanese-style constitution that was implemented after the war? One demilitarized state with internal forces only.

Why am I telling you all this? Because the Palestinians also want peace, they want to live and they want to return to their homes to their families, and I am sure the Israeli people want the same thing. Don’t listen to what the masses say, don’t listen to Hamas, or Hezbollah, or any of them. Those people do not speak in a Palestinian voice! They are there to fuel the war! The Palestinians can’t send the voice to any of them, because otherwise you would hear their scream of peace. From now! From tomorrow! What you must do, is to remember that you are the chosen people, you are the people indicated by God and chosen by God to bring ahead the progress of humanity and only you can have the strength, the determination and the courage to end this war. From now!

Have the strength and courage to say ‘Yes. We will end this war, because we want to find a long-term solution! One turnaround! Forever!’ Don’t let them to accuse you of being like the Nazis! Don’t let them to accuse you of being Hitler’s imitators! Don’t let yourselves be defamed in this manner! Show that you are different! Show that you are better! Show that you have learned the lesson and can teach it to others! Show that you are truly righteous among the righteous on this earth and … always remember who you are!


Transparency, my 🌉 to all..

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