President Masoud Pezeshkian: We’ll spare no efforts to improve relations with neighboring countries, esp. Egypt

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Ashraf AboArafe

Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian stressed his government’s efforts to improve relations with neighboring countries, stressing that his government’s priority is to provide the appropriate ground for investment in Iran and improve its international relations.

* Harmony and unity!

According to IranPress, in his first press conference held Monday afternoon in the conference hall in Tehran in the presence of local and foreign journalists and media professionals, the President said: We chose this day for the press conference because it falls during the Islamic Unity Week, and we deliberately delayed holding the conference in order to do something and be able to answer questions, stressing that his government’s approach will be based on harmony and unity.

* Abolishing borders!

Pezeshkian stated that the call to abolish borders between neighboring countries goes back to Islam’s call for unity among Muslims, saying, we must improve agreements with foreign countries in order to solve internal and external problems, and we must strengthen relations between Islamic countries in a way that enhances relations at various levels.

* Strategy!

The Iranian president pointed out that relations between Iran and both Russia and China are excellent, saying, I support the implementation of the 25-year agreement with China and there will definitely be a strategic relationship with China.

* China!

Pezeshkian considered China’s mediation between Iran and Saudi Arabia an important step to improve solidarity in the region. He also expressed his hope to solve the problem of bank transfers in order to open the country to foreign investments.

* Hypersonic missiles!

Pointing out that Iran has hypersonic weapons and satellites, the president stressed that it is not true that Iran is sending missiles to the Yemenis, but rather we support them. The Yemenis have the technology to produce advanced missiles.

* .. Benefiting from others even if they are against us!

Pezeshkian pointed out that human rights are in danger and we are coordinating with friends in the region to confront Israel, which is killing women and children in the Gaza Strip. We must unite under the banner of the leader of the revolution and we must benefit from everyone’s experiences even if they are against us.

* Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and Turkey!

On the other hand, the Iranian president announced his welcome of any rapprochement with Saudi Arabia and stressed that we must exchange visits with Saudi Arabia, adding: We will seek to improve relations with Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan. He also considered Turkey a sisterly and close country, stressing that the relationship should be excellent with it and economic relations should be strengthened with it. He said that Turkey can reach Pakistan and Afghanistan through Iran, and I will visit Turkey and I will invite Turkish officials to visit Iran.

* Haniyeh.. Self-restraint!

Pezeshkian also referred to the crime of assassinating the former head of the political bureau of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, in Tehran, saying that Israel sought, through the assassination of Haniyeh in Tehran, to drag us into a regional war, but we committed to self-restraint and reserve our right to respond in the appropriate manner and time.

* Iran will not be the first!

He continued that we must possess deterrent power in the face of the enemy and Iran has not and will not be the first to initiate any war and will not want to provoke conflicts. We look forward to dialogue and unity and we do not have any problem with other countries and we want our economy to be stable without facing a threat from other countries.

* Meeting Americans!

Regarding the possibility of meeting with American officials, the Iranian president said, the Americans must first abide by their commitments and then we will think about meeting their officials. Iran will not accept and will not submit to threats and pressures.

Pezeshkian stressed that we will not give up our power unless everyone in our region is disarmed and there are those who are trying to impose war on us.

* Egypt!

Regarding relations between Iran and Egypt, President Pezeshkian said that there are no restrictions on our part to resume relations with Cairo and we will do everything in our power to achieve this and that the West wants to see wars and sedition in our region and we welcome any step that leads to peace in the region and the world.

* Rights of the Iranian people!

In response to a question about his clear message to the American authorities, Pezeshkian stressed that America must respect the rights of the Iranian people and stop conspiring against this people.


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