Surge of New World Order Means the Victory of Gaza 

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Ahmed Mostafa ✍️

Russia and Iranian Hyper-sonic missiles move the world strategy to a new category and upside down the supremacy of US, Britain and NATO in this regard

In an era where military capabilities increasingly define the geopolitical landscape, the developments in Russia and Iran with regard to hyper-sonic missiles have indeed cast a new light on the dynamics of global strategy. Hyper-sonic weapons, defined as those with the ability to reach speeds in excess of Mach 5, or about 1 mile per second, represent a quantum leap in offensive capabilities. These weapons are not only faster but also more maneuverable than traditional ballistic missiles, making them much harder to detect and intercept by current defense systems.

The rise of hyper-sonic technologies by Russia and Iran has disrupted the US, Britain, and NATO’s military dominance in aerospace defense. These alliances, known for their sophisticated missile defense systems, are now facing a challenge as their weapons can potentially bypass their air defense networks. The development and deployment of such weapons also necessitate a reevaluation of global strategy and defense planning.

Hyper-sonic missiles can undermine the strategic doctrine of “mutual assured destruction,” which aims to prevent nuclear standoffs by striking first. They can introduce unpredictability into warfare, potentially leading to more aggressive posturing and destabilization of established power structures. This situation calls for a revitalized international dialogue, focusing on arms control and diplomacy, to prevent tension escalation and ensure global stability.

The US, Britain, and NATO allies will need to invest in defensive measures, diplomacy, and alliances capable of countering and managing hyper-sonic challenges. The introduction of these high-speed delivery systems into the global security environment signifies a new era in which technological advancements play a pivotal role in shaping international relations. Collective efforts are needed to ensure that technological progress enhances stability and peace, rather than perpetuating or exacerbating conflicts.

Has the Houthis obtained their Hypersonic missile that attacked Tel Aviv yesterday morning from Putin or Iran as a retaliation for the Israeli atrocities and genocides versus the innocents in Gaza and Hodeida?

President Putin’s decision to supply hypersonic missiles to nations, including the Houthis, has sparked a new era of uncertainty and fear. This action serves as a warning to NATO and its allies, highlighting Russia’s military capabilities and willingness to challenge established order. The missiles, which can travel at speeds exceeding Mach 5, pose a significant threat due to their ability to evade traditional defense systems.

The Houthis’s attack on Tel Aviv, attributed to them, raises questions about the origin of these weapons. It is speculated that the missiles may have been procured directly from Russia or through Iran, a longtime supporter of the militant group. This act of aggression appears to be a direct response to Israeli aggression in Gaza and Hodeida, highlighting the complex geopolitics and conflicting narratives surrounding the volatile region.

If Russia is responsible for supplying these weapons, it signifies a shift in global military dynamics and a willingness to escalate confrontations beyond usual rhetoric. The provision of advanced armaments could embolden non-state actors like the Houthis to challenge more formidable adversaries, further destabilizing already volatile areas. Diplomatic efforts to de-escalate tensions between Russia and NATO and Israel and its neighbors in the Middle East are now more urgent than ever.

Thus USA and NATO want to stop the negative global media repercussions of Houthi Hyper-sonic missiles via the fabricated 2nd assassination of Trump, lest lose their global market share of weapons sale

The US and NATO are facing a significant challenge in their defense capabilities due to the recent advancements by Houthi forces. The use of Hyper-sonic missiles by the Houthis has raised questions about the reliability of Western air-defense systems, which are the prime purveyors of these systems. This poses a threat to the West’s dominance in the arms market, as their defense platforms fail to effectively intercept and negate the rising tide of resistance movement’s advanced weaponry, particularly those that exhibit enhanced maneuverability and speed like Hyper-sonic Missiles and developed drones.

To avert the negative ripple effects of these media-fueled revelations, the US and NATO resort to unorthodox methods, such as orchestrating public narratives, such as the fabrication of a second assassination attempt on former US President Donald Trump. However, this does little to address the core issue at play: the failure of Western defense grids to intercept and neutralize the menacing capabilities of new-age weaponry being deployed on the global battlefield.

The multi-billion-dollar defense industry, intricately linked to the health of NATO and the US economy, has a lot to lose in this scenario. Searching for alternative defense solutions remains the key to stemming an overflow of economic deficit and creeping loss of global market share. Failure to address this issue could lead to severe aftershocks in their economic prowess, prompting a significant shift in global propensities to seek advanced defense systems from traditional rivals rather than their traditional allies.

US, Uk and Israel not only losing in Gaza, but also before China according to the latest shifts in IT and Communications industry as well as EVs

The IT and communications industry has seen significant shifts, challenging traditional leaders like the United States, the United Kingdom, and Israel in the race for technological supremacy in civilian sectors. Huawei’s dominance and China’s advancements in cheaper yet efficient microchips and electric vehicles (EVs) have led to a pivot in global technological leadership, away from traditional Western and Western-aligned powerhouses.

China’s dominance in cutting-edge technological fields such as 5G and 6G technology, AI, and semiconductor manufacturing has disrupted traditional market dynamics, posing direct competition to established industry leaders in the UK, US, and Israel. The unprecedented surge in efficiency and affordability of Chinese-made electric vehicles (EVs) is proof of Beijing’s commitment to future-focused technologies, challenging the dominance of European and North American automobile giants and starting a new chapter in the global EV market’s evolution.

The growing economic might of China, particularly in high-tech industries, has sparked a wave of concern in the AngloSaxon media, with accusations and conjectures about economic instability and potential real estate deficits in China. This campaign, often devoid of substantial evidence, seems more strategic than informational, serving as a tool to paint China’s economic growth in a negative light and rally international opinion against it.

An AngloSaxon media campaign depicting China in a negative light in terms of its real estate sector deficit has emerged, with speculations that it is largely due to a desired narrative to counter the surge of Chinese economic and technological influence. High-quality, cost-efficient technology from China, driven primarily by Huawei, has initiated an era where the West’s technological dominance is not just challenged but potentially surpassed. As the world watches these geopolitical maneuvers unfold, it is apparent that the dynamics of the global tech industry are undergoing a significant transformation that cannot be ignored.

This situation highlights the need for a more balanced approach to international relations, respecting the sovereignty and advancements of all nations, rather than resorting to rhetorical warfare or misinformation campaigns. As global technology and economic landscapes continue to evolve, it is imperative that nations work collaboratively, leveraging their strengths for mutual benefit, rather than retreating into insular policies that may lead to further divisions and potential conflicts.

The recent development of the Middle East Scene especially in Gaza will establish a new regional alliance amid 4 states (Egypt, Turkey, Iran and KSA)

The Middle East’s recent escalation, particularly the volatile situation in Gaza, has led to significant shifts in regional geopolitics. Egypt, Turkey, Iran, and Saudi Arabia are at the heart of this restructuring, each with unique strategic interests and visions for regional dominance.

Egypt, with its historical position as a mediator and powerbroker, finds itself in a critical role as it seeks to leverage its influence to stabilize Gaza. Its recent intervention efforts to broker a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas demonstrate its intention to maintain stability in its immediate neighborhood and reassert itself as a leading player in regional affairs.

Turkey, on the other hand, has seized the opportunity presented by the Gaza conflict to further its regional ambitions. President Erdogan’s government has been vocal in its criticism of Israel’s actions in Gaza, using the situation to bolster its profile as a champion of the Palestinian cause. This move not only energizes Turkey’s domestic political base but also positions the country as a key advocate for Palestinian rights on the international stage.

Iran, often seen as a central antagonist in the Middle East theater, has traditionally supported Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups. The recent developments allow Iran to reinforce its strategic position as the ‘protector’ of the Palestinian people, expanding its sphere of influence. Saudi Arabia, traditionally an ally of the United States and a key player in the Gulf region, finds itself at a crossroads, as it must balance its historical support for the Palestinian cause with its strategic interests and regional relationships.

This regional alliance is an addition to the new global powers, especially (Russia and China), and gives the four countries power cards against the West and NATO headed by the United States on the one hand, and on the other hand, it reassures both Russia and China and gives them a comfortable opportunity to trim the claws of NATO as a whole.


Transparency, my 🌉 to all..

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