NOT patrons of war..?!

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Sayed Aly writes ✍️

Attacking the sovereignty of states have never been in the military doctrine of the Egyptian army. Your goals have been achieved through deterrence without engaging in an actual war. On the few occasions when Egypt decided to take a quick and decisive armed action, this came as a reaction to a hostile act, and the response was calculated with a balanced and equal action, aiming to prove the ability to deter, so that Egypt would return to the approach of “patience” with remarkable speed, as if nothing had happened (for example, the Egyptian air force strike against ISIS targets in Libya in February 2015 was a response to the slaughter of Coptic citizens).

* Regional experiences!

The four major wars that Egypt fought against Israel (1948, 1956, 1967, 1973, in addition to the Yemen War 1962-1967), and the regional experiences in the neighborhood and in the Gulf, provided an unparalleled stock of options for the Egyptian state, and the approach of settlements prevailed over fueling conflicts, and confirmed that wars should only be fought as a last resort, and for this reason we never acted rashly.. and we did not get carried away by adventures outside the borders.. and we did not fall into traps that were set.. We did not go to violate the sovereignty of any country.

* A diabolical agenda!

We have no intention of attacking anyone…. Somalia and Djibouti are strategic pivot points for our security and our presence there is to support the security and stability of Somalia and to block the path of tampering with our security.. and our going there was based on an official request from the Somali authorities, to prevent tampering with the entrance to the southern Red Sea and block the path of attempts to implement a diabolical agenda that was prepared with the support of those who lie in wait for us.

* Outside borders!

For your information, Egypt currently possesses military and logistical capabilities that enable it to move easily and effectively outside its borders, enabling it to reach the furthest point that affects national security and Egyptian interests if necessary.

* Full-scale war!

For those who do not know, within the plan to develop the Egyptian army over the past ten years, we have acquired the ability to wage a (full-scale war) outside our borders, not just a (raid). Then, the African Union is the one who asked us to do so within a multinational force of African countries, and we moved four months before the scheduled date in order to prevent some of them from tampering with the Somali seaport overlooking the Red Sea.

* Philadelphi & self-control !

As for our negotiations with the entity on the Salah al-Din (Philadelphi) axis, they are going through critical moments.. They provoke us and we adhere to reason, wisdom and self-control..

* Strategic patience!

It is certain that the decision-maker hides behind the apparent calm that bewilders many and the remarkable emotional stability arrangements for all the possibilities that arise, and Egypt is the heroine of the epic of “strategic patience” in all its diplomatic relations with the enemy and with the friend, and when it announces the approaching end of its patience, this means that the next step has no room but to use all options, which is “the strength of the patient when angry”, and the Egyptian people have accumulated great anger inside them because of what is happening to our Palestinian brothers in Gaza, and if the volcano of Egyptian anger erupts, it will shake the whole world.

* Arrogance!

The night has become longer than Egyptian patience can bear, and Egypt does not lack tricks and ways to confront the Israeli arrogance, and many cards are still in the hands of Cairo.. the capable.. which chooses its times in a manner that is consistent with its vision to preserve its national security. The minds that turned the conspiracy against Egypt into a great victory and great peace to the patience and self-control of our armed forces from the smallest soldier to the greatest commander.

* A message!

The fact is “we are stronger than what a friend or an enemy thinks. However, we are not advocates/ of war.. but it is a message not to test our patience and strength.”


> September came and we were happy with it.. Welcome September.

> Be like an umbrella that only benefits those who put you over their heads.

> Your escape from what hurts you will hurt you more.

> If the one who protects you is a lion, dogs will not hurt you.

> Dark days reveal to us the bright people.

> Appeasing the donkey will have mercy on you from the abundance of his braying.

> The relationship that takes your energy to continue is foolishness.

> The most ignorant of people is the one who abandons the certainty of what he has for the suspicion of what people have.

> My flesh betrays me when I hear their hypocrisy.

> Defeat is for the brave, cowards do not fight.

> Whenever we say a period and it passes, it turns around and comes back again.

* Source: Ahram..


Transparency, my 🌉 to all..

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