Holding a meeting of the permanent Council of LAS with a number of ambassadors and representatives of Latin American and Caribbean countries accredited to  Egypt supporting Palestine to obtain a full UN membership

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Ashraf AboArafe

The meeting of the Council of the League of Arab States (LAS) at the level of permanent delegates was held with a number of ambassadors and representatives of missions of Latin American and Caribbean countries accredited to the Arab Republic of Egypt) Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela (on September 11, 2024 at the headquarters of the General Secretariat in Cairo. The meeting was chaired by His Excellency Ambassador/ Riyadh Al-Akbari, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Yemen to the League of Arab States (Presidency of the current session of the Council of the League at the ministerial level). The delegation of the General Secretariat was headed by His Excellency Ambassador Dr. Khaled bin Mohammed Manzlawi, Assistant Secretary-General for International Political Affairs.

The two sides stressed the importance and depth of the historical relations that unite them, and discussed the importance of continuing to provide the necessary support to the State of Palestine in obtaining full membership in the United Nations with the approaching convening of the General Assembly To the United Nations in New York, and the importance of activating the United Nations General Assembly resolution issued in May 2024, which stipulates the right and eligibility of the State of Palestine for full membership in the United Nations, while granting it more rights and privileges related to its participation in the General Assembly session and international meetings and conferences held under the auspices of the General Assembly.

They also stressed their support for the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, most notably their right to self-determination, return and embodying the independence of the independent State of Palestine with full sovereignty on the lines of June 4, 1967, in accordance with international law and relevant resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council, while adhering to peace as a strategic option to end the Israeli occupation and resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict in accordance with relevant international legitimacy resolutions. In this regard, Ambassador Manzalawi expressed that the Palestinian issue is not only an Arab issue, but also a humanitarian issue that represents the struggle of a people seeking to achieve justice, freedom and independence, and that Palestine obtaining full membership in the United Nations is a legitimate right for it.. and that the General Secretariat appreciates the honorable and steadfast positions of most Latin American and Caribbean countries in defending just causes in various international forums.


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