Watch! PM SharShar to Nile News: Axis of Ben Gvir & Smotrich, more dangerous than Philadelphia one for Netanyahu

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A comprehensive dialogue program broadcast on Nile News Channel hosted, on yesterday evening, MP and media figure Osama Sharshar, chief editor of Al-Nahar newspaper.

* ..most difficult!

Sharshar said during the meeting that Egyptian presidential diplomacy is dealing with the most difficult moment in the history of diplomatic relations in recent years, especially in light of the developments in the Gaza file, proposing to create an award for genocide, which Netanyahu would receive, as there has been no criminal since World War II who has committed crimes as much as Netanyahu’s crimes against the Palestinians, noting that the visit of the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Ahmed Khalifa, to the Rafah crossing is a message to everyone that Egypt is capable of facing any challenges, but it will not pay the bill alone again, and that Arab and Islamic countries must stand behind Egypt to support it in its political and diplomatic positions.


* Dead end!

Sharshar pointed out that Netanyahu is trying to drag Egypt into a dead end, although the Israeli intelligence services themselves have confirmed more than once that all the tunnels leading to Gaza have been closed because Egypt will not allow them to exist and be exploited by some terrorists, noting that Netanyahu wants to extend the war until the end of the US elections, and achieve political interests at the expense of the lives of thousands of Palestinians.

* More dangerous!

Sharshar added that the Ben Gvir and Smotrich axis is more dangerous than the Philadelphia axis, because his continued rule depends on the satisfaction of these two extremists, asking: Why was the International Criminal Court’s ruling delayed considering Netanyahu and Ben Gvir war criminals?

* Egypt/Turkey/Qatar!

Sharshar stressed the importance of restoring relations with Turkey, a country with weight, history and civilization, and a member of NATO, especially at this time, praising the role of Emir Tamim bin Hamad, Emir of the State of Qatar, in arranging the first meeting between Presidents Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

* The myth!

Sharshar stressed that the Palestinian resistance succeeded in ending any remnants of the myth of the superiority of the Israeli army, to the point that 60% of the occupation army forces suffered from psychological illnesses, denouncing the international support for Israel for dozens of Israeli prisoners, and ignoring tens of thousands of Palestinian martyrs and wounded.

* Failure!

He added that Netanyahu had nothing left but the Salah al-Din axis card to blame for his failure, which Egypt confronted, through Major General Abbas Kamel in the truce negotiations in Doha, when he confirmed that Egypt would not give up on Israel’s withdrawal from the Salah al-Din axis.

* A moral dilemma!

Sharshar pointed out that the killing of the Turkish-American activist (Aisha Noor) by Israeli forces in Nablus put America itself in a moral dilemma, because it will not take any position against Israel, its partner in the war against the Palestinians, while Israel is killing its own citizens.

* The dean of Arab diplomacy!

Sharshar praised Ambassador Badr Abdel Aati, Minister of Foreign Affairs, who is reviving the era of Minister Amr Moussa, the dean of Arab diplomacy, through meetings with Arab ambassadors and informing them of the latest developments in the Arab region. He also praised Minister Sameh Shoukry, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, who assumed the ministry during the most dangerous phase in the history of Egyptian diplomacy, and the use of calm and sober diplomacy and not being drawn into unnecessary conflicts, through a battalion of diplomats in all forums and locations who are distinguished by their strength, vision, and respect for the law and its institutions. Although Egypt has the military power to implement its will, it has relied on the diplomacy of force.

* Not provoked!

Sharshar added that Minister Badr Abdel Aati’s message to the Security Council a few days ago was that Egypt, which is adopting a long-term policy, should not be provoked because it has the tools of force, and that it has no external ambitions, despite Netanyahu’s attempts to drag Egypt into a side battle in the Salah al-Din axis, but Egypt confirmed that Israeli forces will not continue in this axis that threatens the 2005 crossings agreement and even the peace agreement itself.

* ..will remain!

SharShar stressed that the Israeli side will not eliminate the Palestinian resistance because it is an idea, and ideas do not die even if organizations such as Hamas or Jihad are eliminated, the resistance will remain.

* Egyptian-Turkish alliance!

SharShar confirmed that the Egyptian-Turkish alliance is changing the map of the region in all files, especially in the Libyan, Sudanese and Gaza files, and the most dangerous file is the Somalia file to confront Ethiopian attempts to expand in Somalia.

* Egyptians & Turks!

He added: No one imagined that President el-Sisi would go to Ankara or that President Erdogan would come to Cairo, and the dark groups and their leaders in London do not believe until this moment that President el-Sisi was in Ankara, stressing that the trade and investment movement between the two countries will increase very dangerously, and trade exchange will reach 15 billion dollars in a few years, and the most important thing is the cultural exchange between two countries that have a great civilization and culture, and the Turks love Egypt with its Al-Azhar and its church, and the most dangerous thing is the military coordination between Egypt and Turkey, and the understanding in the Mediterranean files such as gas and borders, and even many of the region’s files in which Turkey is greatly involved.

* A triangle of Egypt, Turkey and Iran!

He pointed out that the upcoming triangle will be between Egypt, Turkey and Iran, especially since the Iranian reformist movement is keen to restore relations with Egypt, and this triangle, if it is implemented, will be under Egyptian conditions and rules, adding: I believe that Egypt and Turkey will have joint political maneuvers because Turkey has realized the Egyptian role and its importance in the region, and even during the dispute over the demarcation of rights, Turkey respected Egypt in preserving the rights of its neighbors..

* Silence of HR at Palestinians!

Sharshar referred to his speech at the United Nations Human Rights Organization in Geneva, last October, in which he confirmed that no country out of the 193 members of the organization is exposed to rumors and lies through foreign intelligence agencies and dark groups of Egypt, and if we are talking about human rights and animal rights, then the extermination of the Palestinian people in front of the world’s silence is a war crime, and Netenyahu, Ben-Avir and Smotrich should be tried before the International Criminal Court (ICC).

* No way, but Egypt!

Sharshar stressed that the international community will not return the right to its owners, as force is the only way to restore the Palestinian and Arab right, and that the Egyptian army is the only one capable of restoring any Arab right, calling on the Arab and Islamic countries to stand behind Egypt away from normalization, as Egypt is the big sister capable of defending Arab national security.

* Journalists Syndicate!

In conclusion, Sharshar stressed that the media will remain the upper hand to reveal the facts and expose the lies of Netanyahu and his ilk, no matter how long it takes, even if some correspondents are killed, sending a message of support to Palestinian journalists on the front line in Gaza and the West Bank, and expressing his thanks to the Egyptian Journalists Syndicate for hosting the head of the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate.

* Biden, more dangerous than Balfour!

Sharshar concluded by reaffirming that (Biden’s promise is more dangerous than the Balfour Declaration) because it seeks to remove Palestine from the world map, stressing that Palestine will remain as long as the Egyptian people and its army remain.


Transparency, my 🌉 to all..

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