GAZA negotiations to WHEN & WHERE?!

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Usamah Sharshar WRITES

Al-Nahar Newspaper chief editor

In the way of the great journalist Mohamed Hassanein Heikal (Egypt to where?), the Middle East and the entire world are dominated by an important question: (Gaza NEGATIONS.. Where to?!).

As we expected, no agreement was reached in Cairo after the failure of the Doha negotiations as well, because Netanyahu crossed all red lines, and disregarded all international laws and standards, and appeals from international organizations and institutions, in his continued commission of massacres against the defenseless Palestinian people in Rafah, Gaza and the West Bank, and the continued assault on Islamic sanctities until we heard Ben Gvir on live air telling the Israeli army radio that he wanted to build a Jewish temple inside Al-Aqsa Mosque, in provocation of the feelings of more than 2 billion Muslims in the world.

But the Egyptian role must be commended, as Cairo played a pivotal role in trying to reach an agreement to end the war in Gaza, or at least a truce in which the people of Gaza, Rafah, and even the West Bank and Jerusalem could catch their breath from the daily massacres committed against them by the Zionist occupation.

There is no doubt that the Egyptian intelligence, with its men who know the terrain of the political and security situation in the region technically, technologically and on the ground, are playing a major role, led by Major General Abbas Kamel, head of the Egyptian Intelligence Service, and his assistants, in trying to reach a solution to end this fierce war, especially in Doha last week.

Anyone who follows what happened in Doha realizes that Major General Abbas Kamel was decisive and firm in expressing the Egyptian position, seeking to end the war in Gaza on the one hand, while fully preserving the constants of Egyptian national security, especially in the Philadelphi Corridor (Salah al-Din Axis extending over a distance of 14 kilometers), as well as in the issue of the crossings, especially the Rafah crossing.

What caught my attention most in these marathon negotiations was the complete coordination between the Egyptian side, which represents the main player in the negotiations, and the Qatari side, represented by Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar, who was able to convince the Palestinian resistance, especially the political wing of Hamas, to sit at the negotiating table, as well as coordination with the Director of the American Intelligence Service, who was convinced by the Egyptian point of view, that postponement after postponement will eventually lead to a dead end for which everyone pays the price.

But when Blinken came to the region, I knew that the agreement would not be reached, because (he who does not have something cannot give it), and because some American institutions are running this dirty game and are part of the Zionist project to establish the Jewish state (Greater Israel), and this indicates that the Israeli negotiator came to Cairo as a listener and not a negotiator, to provide more time until the northern front is opened sooner or later because all international, regional and Arab data confirm that there is no truce or ceasefire on the part of the Israeli extreme right.

This difficult political birth of the agreement and its continuous abortion, despite Biden’s attempts to reach an agreement before the approach of the US elections next November, which may change the future of the world, the US Democratic administration realizes that its success in completing the agreement will have a direct and strong impact in favor of Kamala Harris, and will be a strong blow to Trump and the Republican Party, which is counting on the continued failure of the Biden administration and his deputy Harris in managing the Gaza war file.

Egypt will remain, whether they want it or not, the real cornerstone in the Middle East, and attempts to exploit the economic situation to jump over the Egyptian role in practically and truly supporting the resistance and the Palestinian cause will fail.

The problem, gentlemen, is within us as Arabs. If there was a real Arab backer for Egypt politically and economically, the equation on the ground would change, because when Egypt moves, the entire Arab world moves behind it. Unfortunately, the Great Satan Biden and the Israeli butcher Netanyahu were able to portray Egypt as part of the Palestinian problem by refusing to compromise on its national security and not as part of the solution as a mediator through which talks and negotiations were conducted in the most difficult circumstances. However, what Israel does not realize is that the occupation of the Philadelphi (Salah al-Din) axis is not only a blow to the crossings agreement, as analysts say, but it is a blow to the peace agreement (Camp David 1979).

There are many secrets and surprises that will be revealed if the ceasefire is reached, the most important of which is that there are hands that stabbed Egypt in the back and struck the Palestinian cause in a fatal way at this important and sensitive time, in favor of the great Zionist project of the occupying state, and that there are tools that contributed to provoking Netanyahu’s intransigence and his absolute rejection of the Egyptian role in resolving the crisis.

The picture is bleak and unclear, and carries many mysteries and data, while the region is literally burning around Egypt, in bloody conflicts in Sudan in which Burhan accuses certain countries of supporting the (Rapid Support) forces, and there are hidden hands playing in Tripoli to ignite the Libyan conflict again, and what is happening in Iraq and Syria of attempts to return ISIS to appear again, although it is an American intelligence product, as well as the sudden change in the Russian-Ukrainian war and Ukraine’s occupation – for the first time – of a small part of Russian territory.

All of this happened in the past few days, and at a strange speed, calling for confusion and political anxiety.. Is there a possibility of a global nuclear war that Russia will start by striking European countries?! And is humanity paying the price for American political chaos in the world?

I don’t know.. but I am certain – unfortunately – that Arabs and Muslims are still wearing the robe of American obedience and implementing the instructions of the White House, and adopting a policy of reaction, condemnation and denunciation, not action, severing diplomatic relations and playing the oil, gas and economic card.

As for the people of Gaza, God is with them, and the magic will turn on the magician no matter how long it takes, and the Muslim and Arab rulers will pay the price for this fear and hesitation, and the blood of the martyrs and the prayers of the people will bear witness against them.

Read Al-Fatihah (1st sura and 7 verses in Quran) not for the martyrs of Gaza but for the Arab governments that have lost their credibility with the Arab peoples.

🤲 May God reward your efforts 🤲


Transparency, my 🌉 to all..

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