Minister of FA meets with Minister of FA, African Integration, Chadians Abroad and International Cooperation on the sidelines of the TICAD

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Ashraf AboArafe

Mr. Dr. Badr Abdel Aati, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration, met on Sunday, August 25, with Mr. “Abdel Rahman Ghulam Allah”, Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Integration, Chadians Abroad and International Cooperation, on the sidelines of the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD), which is being held in the Japanese capital, Tokyo.

Ambassador Ahmed Abu Zeid, the official spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration and Director of the Public Diplomacy Department, stated that the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration stressed the special nature of the extended relations between the two countries, stressing Egypt’s keenness to strengthen the relations of brotherhood and solidarity between the two brotherly countries. Abdel Aati expressed Egypt’s keenness on the security and stability of Chad, considering that it represents a pillar of security and stability in the region.

The official spokesman added that the two ministers expressed their aspiration to reactivate the joint committee between the two countries, and the importance of launching a political consultation committee between the two countries at the ministerial level. They also stressed their keenness to enhance joint cooperation and push bilateral relations between the two countries to broader horizons in various vital fields such as energy, infrastructure, construction, electricity, energy, health, pharmaceutical manufacturing, education and agriculture.

Ambassador Abu Zeid added that the meeting witnessed the exchange of views between the two ministers on the developments of the current crisis in Sudan, taking into account its direct repercussions on both Egypt and Chad given their direct proximity to Sudan, especially since they are the countries most affected by the crisis and its humanitarian consequences, in light of their hosting of hundreds of thousands of Sudanese refugees, in addition to the link between maintaining their national security and the security and stability of Sudan.

The two ministers agreed on the need to focus efforts on opening crossings and providing safe corridors for humanitarian aid to reach all Sudanese regions, and ensuring safe access for humanitarian workers to affected areas, as well as encouraging donor countries and relevant international organizations to fulfill their pledges in the field of humanitarian support to Sudan in cooperation and coordination with neighboring countries, as well as intensifying coordination and working to reach the desired settlement of the crisis.

They also discussed the overall developments in the political and security situations in the African continent and a number of regional and international issues of common interest. The two foreign ministers stressed the importance of intensifying coordination and consultation during the next stage to confront the recurring challenges facing the countries of the African continent.


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