Minister of FA & Immigration and meets with his Senegalese counterpart at TICAD

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Ashraf AboArafe

Mr. Dr. Badr Abdel Aati, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration, met on Saturday, August 24, with Ms. Yassine Fall, Senegalese Foreign Minister, on the sidelines of the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD), held in the Japanese capital, Tokyo.

Ambassador Ahmed Abu Zeid, the official spokesperson and Director of the Public Diplomacy Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration, stated that the two ministers praised during the meeting the historical relations between the two countries, and the importance of strengthening bilateral cooperation between Egypt and Senegal during the coming period in various fields, developing existing cooperation paths and exploring new horizons for cooperation, especially in the economic and investment fields. This is in addition to supporting the role of the private sector and strengthening ties between the business communities in the two countries, in the interest of the two brotherly peoples.

The official spokesperson stated that Dr. Abdel-Ati exchanged views with his Senegalese counterpart on the rapid developments in the Sahel and West Africa, especially the security and development challenges, as well as the expansion of terrorist groups’ activities, referring to Egypt’s efforts to combat terrorism and extremist ideology through the training courses it provides to build the capacities of national cadres in this field, which are organized by the Egyptian Agency for Partnership for Development and the Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution and Peacekeeping, in addition to peacebuilding efforts and spreading the concepts of moderate Islam and refuting extremist ideology through Al-Azhar missions.

The two ministers also praised the permanent and continuous coordination between the two countries and the agreement of visions regarding regional and continental issues of common interest, stressing the mutual keenness to enhance consultation on various issues of peace and security on the continent by launching a mechanism for political consultation between the two sides, believing in the important role played by each country in its regional environment and on the African scene. The two sides also agreed to exchange support and backing for the two countries’ nominations for various international and UN positions.


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