Amidst Arab and international silence.. The series of genocide of Palestinians, an “ongoing show”..?!

No way, but an alignment of Egypt, Turkey and Iran

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Usama ShaShar writes ✍️

No doubt that the recent humanitarian massacre at the Tabeen School in Gaza, the martyrdom of more than 125 civilians, and the images of the remains of children, women and men, is a scene that has become recurring, as a result of the Arab and international silence. Everything is permissible for Netanyahu and the far-right Israeli government to do whatever they want, at any time, in any place, and all we can do is just condemn and reject, and they continue their crimes under the pretext that this will be a reason for completing the Israeli hostage deal, while US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin informs his Israeli counterpart Galant to move an American aircraft carrier (Abraham Lincoln) and a nuclear submarine loaded with missiles to support Israel in anticipation of an Iranian strike in the coming hours. The whole world disturbed because of an Israeli man, while the Palestinian people are in a state of oblivion and do not exist. I am surprised by the reaction of the whole world, especially Biden, who is considered the real devil in the world, who has been working for more than 10 months to manage the conflict in Gaza and not to end the war, because he is a Zionist and a Jew. What happened in terms of killing a prisoner and wounding two is practical and realistic evidence of the pressure being exerted on the hostage guards from Hamas, Jihad and the Palestinian factions, and thus everym American president will do the same, along with the Europeans who are blatantly complicit! They are mobilizing fleets and the latest F-22 aircraft at the sea, on land and in the air, in anticipation of a reaction from Iran and Hezbollah against Israel, and they are demanding the evacuation of their citizens from Lebanon, but we have not heard a European or American voice to evacuate their citizens from Israel, and this is the real situation. We, as Palestinians and Arabs, have become outside the agenda of the Americans and Europeans, and we have no value or existence in order to achieve the Zionist project, greater Israel, at the expense of the martyrs and innocents in Gaza.

Be careful, Arabs and Muslims, Trump is not different from Biden, and the most dangerous thing Trump said in his election campaign is dropping religions from international relations, and relying on the media and money, for fear of the Islamic religion, as he is spreading what is called (Islamophobia).

I remind you of Charles de Gaulle’s statement to the Algerian people before the revolution (I understood you), and today we see Netanyahu implementing the Zionist plan (from the Nile to Tehran) and saying to the opponents and the Palestinian, Arab and Islamic people (I will never understand you) and this is the difference between the historical leader of France and the global thug Netanyahu.

And the other major crime, now, is that the Israeli Foreign Minister is calling for striking the Jenin camp in the West Bank and considering it an extension of Gaza, claiming that it is the axis of evil for the Iranian expansion and the resistance from Hamas and Jihad.

What we see in the West Bank, which is close to or intertwined with Israeli cities, is that there is no Palestinian Authority and no consideration for it at all, as evidenced by the fact that the Israeli Knesset voted by an absolute majority not to establish a Palestinian state. Israel uses the pretext of the presence of some elements of Jihad or Hamas in the school of followers, although this does not exist in reality and truth. However, Netanyahu despises the world, despises Arabs and Muslims, and does what he wants and does not want. The hostage exchange deal will not happen, because the selection of Yahya Sinwar as head of the Hamas political bureau after the martyrdom of Ismail Haniyeh is a preemptive strike by the resistance against the Israeli prime minister personally, along with Ben Gvir and Smotrich.

Sinwar, the engineer of the real resistance on the ground, will be like a nightmare for the extremist Israeli government, despite all the attempts that America claims to be making to stop the war in Gaza.

However, the truth is that its goal is to prevent Iran and Hezbollah from striking Israel. It is an American-Israeli tactical agreement to provide more time to achieve the establishment of the Jewish state. The question that arises for us as Arabs, Muslims and all free people of the world:

What if Israel continues its massacres and genocide of our Palestinian people and moves on to our people in the West Bank and Holy Jerusalem?

The settlers who kill our people in the West Bank in front of the eyes of the world also enter the picture.. Has the world become accustomed to the massacres, genocide and daily martyrdom of hundreds of children, women and men in Gaza?

To the point that it has become a recurring image that people do not react to and that does not affect anyone in the world? Or what happens to this coma that has afflicted us as Arab, Islamic and international governments? How long will we remain afraid, submissive and surrendering to Netanyahu’s plan? Will Egypt and Qatar continue to play the role of mediator with the other side, while Israel undermines the mediators and even questions their credibility?! The issue is being delayed until Trump comes to power and Iran is confronted, and Israel will strike the Iranian nuclear reactors in the next phase and very soon, whether it strikes Iran or not. This is the plan that is being postponed until the US elections approach, and we ask: Why don’t Iran and Hezbollah strike the Israeli nuclear reactor, strategic sites, and oil and gas companies, and destroy Israel so that it doesn’t find an opportunity to strike civilians in Gaza or anywhere else and the war turns into a regional war?!

I think it’s time for us to prepare as Arabs and Muslims – before it’s too late – to confront this American, Zionist, imperialist, extreme right-wing plan in which the European countries are considered a genuine partner in the Zionist game. I still stress that Egypt is the spearhead with Turkey and Iran in confronting America and Israel “Israel before America, and America before Israel” and in this case China, Russia and all the Arab and Islamic countries will move, because the time for salvation has come, the time for silence has run out, and the time for patience has become long, as our dignity as Arabs has become at stake and at rock bottom, and our martyrs in Gaza, in southern Lebanon, in Iraq, in Yemen, in Syria and in Iran, their blood and souls will not go to waste, so either we are or we are not, because the series of extermination and killing of the Palestinians has become an ongoing show and will be repeated daily, and I say it in a loud voice from the highest minaret in Al-Muizz Cairo, the city of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif (Come back to us Omar).

May God reward your efforts and your silence.?! 🤫🙏


Transparency, my 🌉 to all..

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