Paris Olympics Brings Out the Worst in the West

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Dr Ahmed Mostafa writes

The footage of the Italian swimmer gold medalist “Thomas Ceccon,” who was found asleep in the Paris Olympic Village, exposed systemic problems threatening the integrity and prestige of the Olympic Games. The images revealed subpar living conditions, inadequate cleanliness protocols, and lack of essentials, sparking public outcry against the Paris Olympic organizers. The issue of accountability for the Paris administration and Olympic organizing committee has become topical, with the OIC under immense scrutiny for failing to provide the level of care and conditions expected by athletes, officials, and supporters.

The Paris Olympic Village project has made promises that seem to be falling spectacularly short, such as the efficiency of the building process, affordability of venue preparations, and maintenance standards. These shortcomings appear to represent a lack of preparedness, poor financial planning, and insufficient follow-through on the part of the Paris administration and the OIC.

The revelation of the athlete’s less-than-ideal living conditions reignites concerns over the prioritization of engagement with public and private stakeholders. The Olympic Village should be a fortress of comfort and focus, not a source of frustration and worry.

The footage has energized calls for transparency and accountability, urging the sports world and its supporting bodies to re-examine their operational procedures, emphasizing broader ethical standards and ensuring a balanced approach to ambitions, reality, and responsibilities. France and its OIC have a significant task ahead, which will test their resolve, transparency, and commitment to rectify the current situation and deliver a Games of which the participating athletes and the watching world can be proud.

Several corruption investigations have been released recently in the media alleging that the ongoing Paris 2024 Olympic Games is the worst games in history, there is a lot of corruption between the French Olympic Committee and International Olympic Committee.

The Olympic Games, a celebration of unity, sportsmanship, and fair play, has been plagued by controversy in the lead up to the Paris 2024 event. Corruption investigations have accused the games of being the worst in history due to a shadowy web of corruption between the French Olympic Committee and the International Olympic Committee (IOC), institutions expected to uphold the highest standards of integrity. The revelations suggest that the games may have become a platform for the sordid affairs of money and power, with accusations suggesting that the immense funds required for hosting the games did not solely come from declared government budgets and sponsor contributions.

The exact amount of money Paris obtained from the IOC under questionably corrupt terms is estimated to be around $1.7 billion. This amount is colossal, potentially unearthing one of the largest scandals in the history of the Olympic games. This insinuates that essential resources meant for the betterment of sports and athletes may have been diverted for less noble causes, dimming the hopes and dreams of many innocent athletes who dedicate their lives for a chance to shine in the Olympic arena.

The implications go beyond the financial cost, it poisons the spirit of the games, poisoning the trust in these institutions, the morale of the athletes, and the societal mark this kind of corruption leaves. The path of justice will determine how the Paris 2024 Olympic Games will be defined in the pages of history. Will they be remembered as the tainted games marred by the worst corruption scandal, or will the story end with justice being served, setting a precedent that not even the most sacred of sports can be immune to the scourge of corruption.

France 24 reports and eye witnesses admit the worst food and services within Paris Olympic Village, plus the worst services ever and disorganization at the city of light, the matter that evidence the above mentioned corruption

The 2024 Olympic Games in Paris have faced criticism for several critical areas, including inadequate accommodations, climate control, and lack of healthy food options. These issues not only undermine the Olympic spirit but also affect athletes’ rest and recovery phases. The lack of air acclimatization and unhealthy food options further complicate the situation, compromising athletes’ ability to maintain optimal nutrition.

Logistical concerns are also a concern, with Paris experiencing daily traffic jams that hinder the smooth execution of the Olympic operations. The state of the Seine River, which was touted as being treated well, has been revealed to be less-than-ideal, contradicting the organizers’ claims of a clean environment. This raises questions about transparency and the validity of the massive investments made to ensure the Olympics take place in a clean environment.

The Paris Olympic Games’ claims to be ‘green’ have been criticized for numerous ecological oversights and a paucity of eco-sensitive practices. Experts argue that this misinformation overlooks the impact of such large events on the environment, underlining the organizers’ apparent disinterest in genuine sustainability efforts. The double standard reeks of political bias, particularly in comparison to the treatment reserved for countries like Russia and Palestine.

These issues cast a long shadow over the Paris Olympic Games, raising questions about the integrity, intent, and effectiveness of the organizers’ planning and execution. They paint a disheartening picture of what was meant to be a grand celebration of the human spirit and serve as a critical reminder of the importance of thorough preparation and sincere adherence to global responsibilities in the staging of such international events.

Olympic delegations aggrieved have the right to send complaints against the Paris Olympic games to the International Transparency Organization, or any global or European organization according to the corruption and dis-organization occurred

The Olympic Games, the pinnacle of international sporting achievement, must never be compromised by corruption or disorganization. Delegations of the world have the right to voice their concerns to the International Transparency Organization (ITO) or other relevant bodies dedicated to upholding principles of fairness and transparency. These complaints should indicate instances of unfair practices, exploitation, or mismanagement. Delegations can highlight evidence of prevailing chaos and potential corruption, such as arbitrary decision-making processes, biased favoring of teams or athletes, irregularities in event organization, and any hint of bribery, embezzlement, or other forms of financial mismanagement.

Despite the International Olympic Committee setting and enforcing standards for conduct during the games, there appears to be an inefficient or non-existent mechanism for holding host cities or countries accountable for violations. This discrepancy raises questions about the watchdog role and effectiveness of international organizations in ensuring sporting equity. The principle that rules should apply equally to all, regardless of nationality, race, or economic status, should be the bedrock of all international sporting events.

Delegations must not remain silent if they witness corruption or disorganization during international events like the Olympics. They have the right to submit their grievances to bodies like the ITO or other reputable organizations. This will help address immediate concerns and pave the way for a more open, equitable, and fairer future for all aspiring athletes and delegations looking to participate in the Olympics.

Paris Olympic Games 2024 organization is an evident sign that the West is not anymore the proper lecturer to the Global South.

The argument that the organization of mega-sporting events by countries of the Global South outclasses that of Western organizations is heavily influenced by recent events and attitudes. Comparing the Paris Olympic Games 2024 with previous hosts, Qatar for the World Cup, and successful events in Russia and China, it is evident that these nations have demonstrated significant proficiency in hosting large-scale athletic events without encountering the myriad of problems often seen with Western host nations. Qatar’s impeccable organization, such as creating state-of-the-art arenas, efficient transportation systems, and exceptional hospitality services, was not only a grand debut for Middle Eastern nations on the sports stage but also a testament to the capability and capacity of countries in the Global South to orchestrate and execute large-scale athletic events with unparalleled expertise.

Russia’s staging of the 2018 World Cup and the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi was lauded for its meticulous planning, modern facilities, and flawless execution. China’s repertoire in sporting organization is equally impressive, from the stellar 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics, including the 2015 World Athletics Championships, and culminating with the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing. These events convey powerful messages about China’s capabilities on multiple fronts, from technological advancement to organization.

The efficacious organization and successful execution of global sporting events by countries in the Global South signal a shift in the paradigm of global leadership, breaking down customary stereotypes and ill-disguised prejudices about countries in the Global South being incapable of performing to the standards expected by the Western world. This evolving scenario symbolizes a positive shift towards a world where leadership is celebrated irrespective of its geographical point, highlighting the growing capacity and increasing influence of the Global South in the global leadership panorama.

This progression is a testament to the growing influence and capability of countries in the Global South, which perceives a shift in the world’s leadership and invites Western nations to embody and uphold this change with humility and understanding. The implication is that the Paris Olympic Games 2024 and similar organizational prowess by countries in the Global South serve not just as isolated cases but as part of an overarching shift toward a more diversified, democratic, and capable global leadership.


Transparency, my 🌉 to all..

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