“JULY 15 in Turkish”, an embodiment of a theory: “Turkey has an army NOT an army has a state”

Turkish Embassy in Cairo celebrates the anniversary of the victory of democracy over imperialism and dictatorship.. “July 15”, the hope of enslaved peoples around the world

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Ashraf AboArafe writes

Today, July 15, Turkish democracy celebrated the anniversary of its victory over the arrogant dictatorship at home and abroad through its diplomatic representations around the world, which confirmed that the Turkish Republic is a state with an army, not an army that has a state. July 15 was a day to celebrate dignity, that the people are above all, and that humanity is the line Red for everyone who dares to harm the dignity of citizens inside and outside the Turkish borders.

This is according to our editorial policy in commenting on the event. As for the ambassador’s speech, it was as follows:

Ambassador Shen:

* The Turkish people defended their national will and democracy

* The Turkish state developed and its democracy was strengthened by embracing the values of its people

* Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan is expected soon to visit Cairo

* Economic cooperation between Türkiye and Egypt will occupy the forefront during the coming period

The Turkish Embassy in Cairo celebrated “Democracy and National Unity Day, July 15,” in the presence of prominent diplomatic, Egyptian and Turkish figures, in addition to Egyptian journalists and media professionals, at the residence of the Turkish Ambassador in Cairo.

The ceremony also showed video clips and held a photo exhibition of the events of the coup attempt, which the Turkish people stood against and defeated, led by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, on July 15. The audience observed a minute of silence for the martyrs who lost their lives during Türkiye’s confrontation with the coup attempt on July 15. In his speech, the Turkish Ambassador to Cairo, Salih Mutlu Şen, said that Turkey, by resisting the July 15 coup attempt carried out by traitors in military uniform and affiliated with the Fethullah Gulen Terrorist Organization (FETO), had contributed to the maturation and strengthening of its democracy and made the will of the people absolutely dominant. In the administration of the state and the country.

Ambassador Shen said that the Republic of Turkey has achieved that democracy in an integrated manner, explaining that preventing that coup attempt is undoubtedly a result of the path of progress and democratic awareness that Turkey entered and experienced from 1950 until now, which witnessed many painful incidents.

Ambassador Shen said in this context, for example, in the 1960 coup against the government of Adnan Menderes, which was democratically elected by the people and which expressed the values and sensitivities of society, the reason for the execution of its prime minister was the reason for the execution of its prime minister. The Turkish people never forgot this, and on July 15 they responded by protecting their leaders with their soul until the last moment under the leadership of the democratic and legitimate elected leader, the President of the Republic, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Ambassador Shen pointed out that today is democracy day because what the Turkish people are defending is their national will and democracy. ‏

Ambassador Salih Mutlu Shen continued his speech, saying: “As for national unity, it expresses the value and meaning of the determination of the Turkish people of all sects under the leadership of the President of the Republic, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to defend the will of the heroic Parliament, its state, and its future.

If the brutal coup attempt – God forbid – had succeeded in Turkey, the sovereignty of the Turkish state and the will of the Turkish people would have been in danger and Turkey would have entered a very dark period. This Turkish nation emerged from this test having strengthened its democratic will and national unity. ‏

Democracy was actually established by the many reforms carried out by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on institutional and social foundations.

Today, as the Turkish state has developed and strengthened its democracy by embracing the values of its people, none of our people are excluded because of their belief, origin, principles, or lifestyle. There is no discrimination within the state, and everyone can live in society in line with their beliefs and convictions. . This truly indicates social and democratic maturity. Today, Turkey, having strengthened its democracy, continues to achieve more significant and greater tangible progress on the path to development and progress.

Ambassador Salih Mutlu Shen explained that progress in relations and cooperation between Turkey and Egypt will continue in the coming period, noting that Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan is expected soon to visit Cairo and meet and hold discussions with the new Egyptian Foreign Minister, Dr. Badr Abdel Ati.

Ambassador Saleh Mutlu Şen said that economic cooperation between Turkey and Egypt will occupy the forefront during the coming period, especially with the increased interest of Turkish investors in Egypt under the new Egyptian government, and Mr. Kamel Al-Wazir assuming the portfolios of transport and industry. He is a very successful minister and has demonstrated his success in road infrastructure. Highways, ports, industry, which means that our investors, especially in the textile sector, will come to Egypt more easily.

Ambassador Shen concluded his speech by saying that it is expected to organize many cooperation activities in the cultural and social fields and noted the intention to increase interest in joint sports activity in the coming year.


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