Future of USA within & after Presidential Elections 2024

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Ahmed Mostafa


The US’s future is a topic of great concern and speculation due to the increasing political polarization and divisiveness in recent years. The 2024 presidential election is expected to be one of the most contentious and divisive in recent history, with the two major political parties becoming more ideologically entrenched. This lack of cooperation and willingness to work together is likely to lead to further gridlock in Congress, making it difficult to pass meaningful legislation and address the country’s most pressing issues.

The rise of political extremism on both the left and right is also a cause for concern, as the increasing acceptance of violent rhetoric and actions threatens to further divide the country and lead to civil unrest. The growing income inequality and racial tensions in the US are potential flashpoints that could ignite widespread social unrest.

The US is also facing external challenges that could exacerbate its internal divisions, such as strained relationships with allies and adversaries, a growing sense of isolationism and nationalism, and the impact of global issues like climate change, terrorism, and nuclear proliferation on its standing in the world. The future of the US as a global power will depend on its ability to adapt to these changes and maintain its economic and military superiority.

Biden should be replaced by someone else from the democrats as the time is running away

The call for President Joe Biden to be replaced by another Democratic candidate is gaining traction among some members of the party, following his weak performance during the last debate with former President Donald Trump and the recent federal court decision to favor Trump in the legal case concerning the storming of the Capitol building in January 2021.

During the debate, Biden was criticized for failing to effectively counter Trump’s attacks and defend his own record. He appeared hesitant and uncertain, allowing Trump to dominate the conversation. This has led some to question Biden’s ability to take on the Republicans in the 2024 election and effectively lead the country.

Additionally, the recent federal court decision to favor Trump in the legal case regarding the Capitol riots has highlighted the need for a stronger, more decisive leader. The court ruled that Trump is immune from legal action as long as he was still the president at the time of the incident, under the Constitution’s protection. This decision has been seen as a blow to accountability and justice, and has further energized those calling for a change in the Democratic party’s leadership.

There are several potential candidates who could replace Biden and provide the party with a fresh, new face. One such candidate is Vice President Kamala Harris, who has already proven herself to be a capable and competent leader. Another option is the Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who has gained a significant following and has shown himself to be an effective and eloquent speaker.

Regardless of who the Democratic party chooses to replace Biden, it is clear that a change is needed. The party must look to the future and select a candidate who can energize the base, counter the Republicans, and lead the country with strength and confidence. The stakes are high and the time to act is now.

Trump and Biden showing how much the leadership in USA is suffering

The leadership of the United States has been a source of controversy and concern, particularly during the Trump and Biden administrations. Trump’s rhetoric and policies often inflamed tensions and divisions, particularly in immigration policies, which were criticized for their harsh treatment of asylum seekers and migrants. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted significant weaknesses in the country’s leadership and ability to respond to crisis situations, with the Trump administration’s lack of coordination and preparedness contributing to the devastating impact of the virus. The Biden administration faced its own challenges in responding to the pandemic, including the distribution of vaccines and the reopening of schools and businesses.

The political and social turmoil of the past few years has had a significant impact on younger generations and minorities, who have borne the brunt of the economic and social consequences of the pandemic, experiencing higher rates of unemployment, poverty, and food insecurity. They have also been targets of discriminatory policies and actions, with increased incidents of hate crimes and discrimination.

The leadership in the United States has failed to adequately address these challenges and protect the most vulnerable members of society, leading to widespread frustration and disillusionment, particularly among younger generations who seek guidance and support from their leaders. This has resulted in a growing sense of disillusionment and mistrust in the political system, with many people feeling their voices are not being heard or represented.

Indebtedness in the USA reached 34.5 trillion as per the recent reports of Bank of America and JP Morgan

The United States is facing a significant debt crisis, with estimates from Bank of America and JP Morgan estimating the total at 34.5 trillion dollars. This unsustainable level of debt poses a significant threat to the country’s economic stability. The political landscape is dominated by sectarianism, with political leaders catering to their narrow interests and ideological agendas, prolonging and deepening the crisis.

The growing trend of de-dolarization and the emergence of new world alliances like the BRICS, SCO, and BRI further complicate the situation. As other countries and regions assert their economic independence, the United States may find itself increasingly marginalized and unable to rely on its traditional economic tools. The long-term effectiveness of quantitative easing, a favored policy tool of the Federal Reserve, is also in question.

Despite being extensively used in response to the 2008 financial crisis, there is little evidence to suggest it has had a lasting impact on economic growth or stability. If political leaders in the United States do not work together to find a way out of this debt curse, the country and its empire will collapse as soon as possible.

Western media leaks show that American leaders including Biden fully rely on AI to make their own decisions!!!

The over-reliance on artificial intelligence (AI) by American leaders, including President Biden, for strategic, political, and economic decisions is a concerning issue that could potentially lead to the collapse of the West. AI systems are only as good as the data they are trained on, which can lead to biased or incomplete data, resulting in policy decisions that may not align with human values, ethical norms, or legal frameworks.

AI systems also lack the ability to understand context, interpret nuances, and exercise judgment, which are critical components of strategic decision-making. They are based on pattern recognition and outputs are derived from mathematical computations, making them incapable of fully grasping the complexities associated with political, economic, and social issues. This can result in oversimplification of complex problems or overlooking critical factors, leading to counterproductive decision-making.

The use of AI in strategic, political, and economic decision-making can lead to a concentration of power, where a small group of technologists and data scientists become the gatekeepers of information and decision-making processes. This opaqueness can undermine transparency, accountability, and public trust, as well as create an environment where powerful AI systems can be manipulated or weaponized for nefarious purposes.

The rapid advancement of AI technology and its increasing accessibility pose significant national security risks, as state-sponsored adversaries and non-state actors can exploit vulnerabilities in AI systems to undermine Western interests or engage in hybrid warfare. The over-reliance on AI systems can create new avenues for aggression and disrupt the balance of power, potentially destabilizing the international system and eroding the West’s influence.

The new global power have struck the dominance of USA in several crucial regions

The global balance of power has significantly shifted in recent years, with China, Russia, and Iran attempting to challenge the United States’ dominance in the Middle East, Central Asia, and the Far East. China and Russia have capitalized on the power vacuum created by the United States’ disengagement from the region by establishing closer ties with influential actors like Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. China has used its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to court Middle Eastern nations, investing heavily in infrastructure projects and deepening its energy ties with Middle Eastern states.

In Central Asia, Russia has maintained a strong presence, ensuring its dominance in the security arena through the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and bilateral agreements with individual countries. China has aggressively pursued economic opportunities in Central Asia, particularly through the BRI, providing China with increased access to Central Asian resources and markets, further solidifying its position in the region and diminishing American influence.

In the Far East, China’s rising power has directly challenged US dominance, particularly in the East and South China Seas, leading to heightened tensions between the two powers. Russia has also sought to counter American influence in the region, revitalizing its Pacific Fleet and establishing closer ties with regional actors like North Korea and Vietnam. Iran has expanded its footprint in Central Asia and the Far East, finding common ground in their shared desire to counter American power and influence.

The odd stances of USA towards the genocide in Palestine made the new powers more credible than it

The US’s stance on the ongoing Palestinian genocide has been a topic of debate and criticism. Despite calls from the international community for a ceasefire and an end to the violence, the US has consistently failed to take meaningful action. This has emboldened the Israeli government and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who continue to carry out military operations in Gaza, resulting in the death and injury of countless civilians.

The US’s inability to take a strong stance against the genocide has had several negative consequences. First, it has allowed the violence to continue, resulting in the death and suffering of countless innocent people. This has damaged the US’s credibility as a global leader, as other countries question its commitment to upholding human rights and international law.

Finally, the US’s support for Israel, both financially and militarily, has further inflamed tensions in the region. The US has provided billions of dollars in military aid to Israel, which has escalated the conflict and made a peaceful resolution less likely.

New powers like China and Russia have made themselves more credible in the eyes of many countries and organizations, taking an active role in calling for an end to the violence in Palestine and criticizing the Israeli government.

In Conclusion, The future of the USA is uncertain, with potential for further divisions, civil wars, and polarization. The country’s leadership has been marked by division, polarization, and failure to address the needs of vulnerable members, leading to higher poverty, unemployment, and discrimination. To prevent the collapse of the West, it is crucial to strike a balance between embracing AI’s potential and maintaining human-centered decision-making. The rise of China, Russia, and Iran in the Middle East, Central Asia, and the Far East has shifted the global balance of power, leading to a more multipolar world. The US’s stance on the genocide in Palestine has damaged its credibility as a leader, and it is essential to re-evaluate its stance to bring about a peaceful resolution.


Transparency, my 🌉 to all..

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