The failure of the political debate between Biden and Trump reflects sick Western values, fake democracy.. the steady rise of the East.. the 14th Iranian presidential, a model of actual democracy

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Ahmed Mostafa

The 2024 presidential debate has left many Americans disappointed and frustrated with Joe Biden and Donald Trump, who have been criticized for their performance in the debate. Critics argue that neither candidate is fit to serve as President of the United States and that their participation will legitimize a broken and dysfunctional political system. Others, however, argue that boycotting the election would only benefit the candidate with the most dedicated supporters and fail to address the underlying issues that have led to the current state of American politics.

The 2024 presidential election is shaping up to be a contentious and divisive affair, with both candidates having high unfavorability ratings. It is crucial for Americans to stay informed, engaged, and active in the political process, as the health and well-being of our democracy depend on the active participation and engagement of citizens from all walks of life.

The US presidential debate on June 27, 2024, raised significant concerns about the state of democracy in the United States. The debate focused on issues that have little relevance to ordinary Americans, such as income inequality, healthcare, education, and climate change. The candidates’ unwavering support for Israel raises questions about the influence of big lobbies and giant companies in American politics, as the Israel lobby has long been accused of wielding disproportionate influence over US foreign policy.

The lack of established political leaders on the debate stage raises concerns about the caliber of individuals seeking the highest office in the land and the corrosive influence of political money. The debate was also marked by extremist views and rhetoric, further eroded confidence in the democratic process. The failure of the candidates to condemn extremist views and promote unity and tolerance during the debate is a missed opportunity to heal the divisions in American society.

Finally, the debate shed light on the pervasive corruption of political money in American politics, as the influence of big lobbies and giant companies has led to a system rigged in favor of the wealthy and well-connected. The candidates’ acceptance of campaign contributions from these groups raises questions about their ability to represent the interests of ordinary Americans and uphold the principles of democracy.

Nominations for EU leaders highlights one more time the dilemma of EU leadership

The nominations of Ursula von der Leyen from Germany’s center-right, António Costa from Portugal’s socialist party, and Kaja Kallas from Estonia’s liberal party to high-ranking positions in the European Union have been met with criticism and controversy. Critics argue that these nominations are a failure to represent the diverse political landscape of the EU and the interests of its citizens.

One of the main points of contention is the background of these politicians, including allegations of corruption and cronyism. For instance, von der Leyen has faced criticism for her role in a scandal involving consulting contracts worth millions of euros, while Costa has been accused of nepotism and mishandling of public funds during his tenure as prime minister. Kallas, on the other hand, has faced criticism for her family’s political influence and potential conflicts of interest.

Additionally, there have been concerns over the influence of Zionism in the EU’s decision-making processes. Some critics argue that these nominations may represent a shift towards a more pro-Israeli stance in the EU, potentially at the expense of its relations with Palestine. This is particularly concerning given the EU’s role as a mediator in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the importance of a balanced and even-handed approach.

Finally, the nominations of these politicians have been criticized for their lack of public profile and visibility. While they may have strong political experience and backgrounds, they have not been widely known or recognized by the EU’s citizens. This potential lack of public support and legitimacy could undermine their ability to effectively lead and represent the EU.

Interestingly, there have been reports from Politico that these nominations may have been influenced by Washington, and that the EU is becoming increasingly influenced by the United States. This raises questions about the EU’s independence and sovereignty, and whether these nominations truly reflect the interests and values of its citizens. Politico disclosed the relationship between CIA and the selection of Von Der Leyen as a leader of the European Commission and her relationship to one of the US top level PR companies Messrs Mckinsey and Company.

Iran sent strong and democratic message to the region and the globe via its competitive presidential elections

The Islamic Republic of Iran successfully conducted national elections on June 28th, 2024, despite facing significant challenges and Western sanctions. The sudden death of the previous president, Ibrahim Raisi, who had been in office for only two years, led to the elections. The Iranian government ensured a free and fair electoral process, demonstrating its commitment to democracy and the rule of law.

Six well-qualified candidates, vetted by the Guardian Council, participated in the elections, representing a diverse range of political views and backgrounds. The election campaign was lively, with candidates discussing the economy, social justice, foreign policy, and the impact of Western sanctions on Iranians. Despite the obstacles, Iranians turned out in large numbers to cast their votes, showing their faith in the democratic process and their determination to shape the future of their country.

Iran’s ability to successfully conduct elections despite significant challenges is a testament to the strength and resilience of its democratic institutions. Despite a complex history and various internal and external pressures, Iran has maintained a functioning democracy that truly represents the will of its people. The June 28th, 2024 elections were a clear demonstration of this, as Iranians exercised their right to vote and participated in a free and fair process.

Erdagan is desirous to meet Bashar one more time

The upcoming meeting between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has significant strategic, political, economic, and energy implications for the Turkey-Syria region and the global community. A rapprochement between the two countries could lead to increased regional stability and security, as their conflict has contributed to the rise of extremist groups like ISIS and fueling the refugee crisis.

Politically, the meeting could signal a shift in the regional political landscape, as Turkey has been a vocal critic of the Al-Assad regime and supported opposition groups in the Syrian conflict. This could have implications for other regional powers, such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, who have also taken opposing sides in the conflict.

Economically, the rapprochement could open up new opportunities for trade and investment between Turkey and Syria, as the two countries have a long history of economic cooperation. The restoration of diplomatic relations could lead to the resumption of trade and investment flows, benefiting both countries, particularly Syria, which has suffered significant economic damage due to the conflict.

In terms of energy politics, the meeting could lead to new energy partnerships and the development of new infrastructure, such as pipelines and refineries, strengthening Turkey’s role as an energy hub and enhancing its energy security. Globally, the meeting could have implications for great power politics and international relations, as the Syrian conflict has been a major point of contention between Russia and the United States.

In conclusion, The US presidential debate on June 27, 2024, failed to address critical issues, such as the candidates’ support for Israel, extremist views, lack of experience, and acceptance of political money from big lobbies and companies. Americans demand greater transparency and accountability in the political process to ensure their voices are heard and their interests are represented. The nominations of Ursula von der Leyen, António Costa, and Kaja Kallas to EU positions have been met with criticism, with allegations of Zionist influence and external interference. The democratic elections in Iran on June 28th, 2024, demonstrate the country’s commitment to democracy and the rule of law, despite facing challenges and Western sanctions. The potential meeting between Erdoğan and Assad has significant strategic, political, economic, and energy implications for the region and the global community, potentially leading to greater stability, security, new economic opportunities, and enhanced energy partnerships.


Transparency, my 🌉 to all..

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