Minister of Immigration and Mexican Ambassador discuss cooperation of common interest

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Ashraf AboArafe

Ambassador Soha Gendi: We welcome cooperation with the Mexican side and the exchange of experiences in immigration and expatriate files, taking into account Mexico’s distinguished experience in linking its citizens to the home country.

Ambassador Leonora Rueda: The relations between Egypt and Mexico are distinguished and ancient… and we want to expand cooperation with the Egyptian Ministry of Immigration, through which we see huge prospects for investing in our partnership for the benefit of both sides.

Ambassador Soha Gendy, Minister of State for Immigration and Egyptian Expatriate Affairs, received Ms. Leonora Rueda, Ambassador of the State of Mexico in Cairo, to discuss enhancing aspects of cooperation between the two countries in files of common interest.

The meeting was attended by Dr. Saber Suleiman, Assistant Minister for Institutional Development and Technical Office Affairs, Ambassador Salah Abdel Sadiq, Assistant Minister for International Cooperation, Professor Doaa Qadri, Head of the Central Administration for Minister’s Office Affairs, Professor Sarah Mamoun, Assistant Minister for Projects and International Cooperation Affairs, and Professor Karim Hassan, Advisor. Media Officer of the Ministry of Immigration.

At the beginning of the meeting, Ambassador Soha Gendi, Minister of Immigration, welcomed Ambassador Leonora Rueda, and stressed that Egyptian-Mexican relations are strong and historic, especially since there are commonalities and great similarities between the peoples of the two countries in several aspects, most important of which is the connection between the two peoples to their mother country, regardless of what they face. Challenges abroad, expressing the Ministry’s readiness to cooperate with the Mexican side in the field of combating illegal immigration and providing services to citizens abroad.

Regarding immigration, Ambassador Soha Gendi discussed in her speech the Ministry’s efforts in the field of combating illegal immigration, as Her Excellency affirmed that the Egyptian Ministry of Immigration has made great strides in qualifying young people to work in the national market as well as qualifying them to compete in international labor markets, which is what established the “training” file. “For Employment” is among the Ministry’s advanced priorities, as it contributes to cutting off “illegal immigration” and linking the labor market in Egypt and abroad with the skills of youth, noting that we have increasing desires from several Western and Arab countries to attract young people to work in their markets, taking into account the severe need that they face. These countries suffer from this, which provides many young people aspiring to immigrate with a safe alternative that suffices them with the deadly epidemic of illegal immigration, as it preserves their lives and gives them a safe alternative to achieve the dream, while at the same time preserving their dignity – it also increases their training capabilities and greater chances of excelling in the competition. In labor markets, she continued: “We are not against safe immigration, because it enhances the transfer of knowledge and expertise, and supports the national economy. There is also coordination to enhance job opportunities for seasonal workers in a number of countries in the fields of agriculture, construction, construction, and others.”

For her part, Mrs. Leonora Rueda, Ambassador of the State of Mexico to Cairo, expressed her great pleasure in meeting the Minister of Immigration, and said that she assumed her duties in Egypt 7 months ago, praising the presence of 6 female ministers in the Egyptian government, and stressing that the character, dedication, and courage of Egyptian women are always the way to go. For progress and change, especially in development, business, education, policy-making and other fields.

Mrs. Leonora Rueda added that the relations between Egypt and her country are distinguished, and she said: “The two countries have promising economic, social, cultural and educational cooperation, so we would like to expand the horizons of cooperation between us in the field of caring for communities abroad, as well as cooperation in the field of combating illegal immigration, which we are accustomed to.” In Mexico, it is called “undocumented immigration,” since the immigrant in this way is actually an immigrant without documents or official documents, while the expression “illegal immigrant” suggests that the immigrant is accused of a crime, contrary to the truth,” stressing that Mexico suffers from this phenomenon due to high rates of Unemployment, and the state there always seeks to support and enhance technical and vocational education for young people through various training programs.

In conclusion, it was agreed to coordinate between the two sides in order to cooperate regarding the file of supporting expatriates, maximizing their benefit from the relationship with the homeland, and combating illegal immigration between Egypt and Mexico, to find various ways to serve the citizens of the two countries abroad.


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