Invited by President of PAP, Al-Asoumi participates as a guest of honor at the 3rd plenary session in Johannesburg

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Ashraf AboArafe

His Excellency Mr. Adel bin Abdulrahman Al-Asoumi, Speaker of the Arab Parliament, arrived in Johannesburg, South Africa, to participate as a guest of honor in the opening of the third session of the sixth legislative term of the African Parliament, which is scheduled to be held on June 24, 2024 AD, in response to the official invitation he received from His Excellency Mr. Fortune Charumbira, Speaker of the Arab Parliament. Pan African.

Al-Asoumi is scheduled to deliver a speech during the opening session of the African Parliament, addressing Arab-African relations and issues of common interest between the two sides.

The Speaker of the Arab Parliament will also hold bilateral discussions with his counterpart, the Speaker of the Pan-African Parliament (PAP), within the framework of the visit, to discuss ways to strengthen relations between the two organizations in a way that contributes to strengthening Arab-African relations, especially at the parliamentary level, and building on the discussions that took place between them previously in Cairo and on the sidelines of international parliamentary forums.


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