An Iranian Hoopoe pecked Hogestein’s Head in Lebanon and Brought Classified News from Enemy

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Ahmed Mostafa

Why did Hezbollah call yesterday’s decisive surveillance mission the Hoopoe?

This is a reference to the “Hoopoe” of Solomon, who came from the land of Sheba (later Yemen) to Solomon with the news of a people who worship the sun without God and are ruled by a woman named Bilqish. Here, the hoopoe played the role of the largest spy apparatus at the time on the kingdoms that surrounded Solomon and could threaten him.

Hezbollah was inspired to name its operation “The Hoopoe” by its Iranian march (Hoopoe of the Age) when it was launched in broad daylight. This drone, which is difficult to track from any radar, Iron Dome or surveillance devices, began to roam in strategic areas inside Israel, especially the Haifa military port and collecting classified information and came back to Hezbollah.

This means that Iran and its drones have strategically outperformed Israel and America and its drones will increase the demand for them in the official and unofficial global arms markets, and the opposite for Israeli and American weapons, as America depends in its current economy on the creation and moderating of conflict, and therefore the sale of its weapons in the world.

The Significance of Iranian Drones

Iran has become a major player in the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), particularly in the ongoing conflict between Russia and NATO in Ukraine. Iranian drones have provided critical intelligence and surveillance capabilities to Russian forces, enabling them to gather real-time information about Ukrainian troops’ movements and positions. They have also been used to deploy munitions against Ukrainian targets, demonstrating their versatility and combat effectiveness.

Hezbollah, a Lebanese militant group, has also used Iranian drones in its ongoing conflict with Israel in Gaza. These drones have been used for reconnaissance and target acquisition, providing valuable information about Israeli troop movements and defensive positions. However, the widespread use of drones raises ethical and legal questions, particularly regarding targeted killings.

Iranian drones have also played a significant role in supporting the Houthi group in their ongoing conflict against Israel, the United States, and Great Britain in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. These drones have been used to conduct reconnaissance missions, gather intelligence, and carry out airstrikes against enemy forces.

The deployment of Iranian drones in the conflict zone has raised concerns among regional and international powers, as it has the potential to escalate tensions and destabilize the region. In response, the United States, Israel, and Great Britain have taken steps to counter the threat posed by these drones, including deploying advanced air defense systems and conducting airstrikes against Houthi drone facilities.

Kamikaze Drone penetrated Israel from Hezbollah easily yesterday

The recent incident involving an Iranian Kamikaze drone infiltrating Israeli airspace from Hezbollah territory has highlighted the complex and tense situation in the Middle East. The drone, believed to be equipped with advanced surveillance technology, successfully gathered top-secret information and returned to Hezbollah-controlled territory unscathed. This incident has shattered the Israeli military’s sense of security and raised concerns about the vulnerability of its air defenses. It has also demonstrated Hezbollah’s growing capabilities in using unmanned aerial vehicles for intelligence-gathering and offensive operations.

The timing of the drone incursion was particularly unfortunate for the United States, as it coincided with the visit of a senior US diplomat to Lebanon (Hogestein). The drone’s easy penetration of Israeli airspace has cast doubt on the effectiveness of US military assistance and undermined the credibility of the US as a regional powerbroker.

The drone incident has further emboldened Hezbollah, which has been a thorn in Israel’s side for decades and has been responsible for numerous attacks on Israeli military and civilian targets. The situation is further complicated by Iran’s ramping up military presence in the region and its active support of anti-Israeli groups in Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria.

A comprehensive peace agreement that addresses the root causes of the conflict, including the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory, is urgently needed. The international community, led by the United States, must redouble its efforts to broker a lasting peace agreement between Israel and its neighbors and prevent a devastating war that could have catastrophic consequences for the entire region.

It is de facto impossible for Israel to attack Hezbollah or Lebanon after yesterday’s Iranian drone penetration

The recent Iranian drone attack on Israeli airspace has significantly altered the Middle East’s strategic landscape, making it impossible for Israel to launch a military attack on Hezbollah or Lebanon without facing serious consequences. This incident has shown the vulnerability of Israeli air defenses and the growing capabilities of Iran and its allies in the region. Israel’s military options against Hezbollah or Lebanon are now severely limited, as any attack would likely trigger a response from Iran and its proxy groups, potentially leading to a full-blown conflict.

This would not only destabilize the Middle East but also pose a significant threat to US interests in the region. Therefore, Israel should exercise restraint and consider a ceasefire as the most viable option to prevent further escalation. The US cannot afford to lose the Middle East, as it is critical for global energy supplies, geopolitical influence, and counterterrorism efforts. A prolonged conflict between Israel and its neighbors would significantly undermine US interests in the region and potentially embolden Iran and other hostile actors. The US should play a more active role in promoting conflict resolution and stability in the region, working closely with allies and partners to develop a coordinated strategy.

Hezbollah released drones against TOTAL Driller Rig last year

Last year, Lebanese military resistance group Hezbollah released drones against a French energy company, Total, in the Mediterranean sea, in response to Israel’s alleged plans to extract natural gas from the area. The incident occurred in the Mediterranean, where Lebanon claims its exclusive economic zone. Israel and Lebanon have a long history of disputes over their maritime border, and the discovery of significant natural gas reserves in the Mediterranean has only added to the tensions.

Both countries have signed contracts with international energy companies to explore and extract gas from their respective economic zones. Lebanon has accused Israel of encroaching on its territory and attempting to exploit resources that belong to the Lebanese people. Hezbollah, a powerful political and military force in Lebanon, has consistently expressed its opposition to Israeli actions in the Mediterranean and has warned against using force to defend Lebanon’s sovereignty and interests.

The incident sent a strong message to Israel and the international community, highlighting the challenges of managing maritime disputes in the Mediterranean. Both Lebanon and Israel have sought to defuse tensions and avoid an escalation, with Lebanon calling for negotiations to resolve the maritime border dispute.

Iran plays chess with US and Israel in Middle East when Russia do the same in Far East

Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in North Korea on Wednesday, expressing his desire for cooperation to overcome US-led sanctions and intensifying confrontations with Washington. The two countries will continue to oppose Western ambitions to hinder the establishment of a multipolar world order based on justice, mutual respect for sovereignty, and considering each other’s interests. Putin appreciated North Korea’s support of his military actions in Ukraine and said the countries would develop trade and payment systems not controlled by the West and jointly oppose sanctions against the countries.

North Korea is under heavy U.N. Security Council economic sanctions over its nuclear weapons and missile programs, while Russia is grappling with sanctions by the United States and its Western partners over its aggression in Ukraine. The countries will also expand cooperation in tourism, culture, and education.

Putin is being accompanied by several top officials, including Deputy Prime Minister Denis Mantrurov, Defense Minister Andrei Belousov, and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Several documents will be signed during the visit, possibly including an agreement on a comprehensive strategic partnership. Tensions on the Korean Peninsula are at their highest point in years, with the pace of both Kim Jong Un’s weapons tests and combined military exercises intensifying in a tit-for-tat cycle. South Korea has been stressing to Moscow that any cooperation between Russia and North Korea must not violate U.N. Security Council resolutions or undermine peace and stability in the region.

We must not forget Putin’s statement: “If Russian assets are manipulated and NATO continues to supply Ukraine with weapons to attack Russian territory, he will in return supply America’s and NATO’s enemies with destructive weapons.

In conclusion, Iranian drones are a valuable asset for military forces in conflict zones like Ukraine and Gaza due to their advanced capabilities and low cost. However, their ethical and legal implications must be considered. The recent Iranian drone penetration into Israeli airspace has made it impossible for Israel to attack Hezbollah or Lebanon without serious consequences. Israel should consider a ceasefire to prevent further escalation, while the US should play a more active role in promoting conflict resolution and stability in the region. The Hezbollah drone attack against the Total drilling rig last year highlighted the need for a peaceful resolution to the maritime border issue and the risks of escalating tensions in the region. The new world order will replace the old one sooner or later because the peoples of the world are tired of the West, unlike the new powers such as the BRICS alliance, whose culture is similar to that of the South.


Transparency, my 🌉 to all..

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