COP29 in Azerbaijan, an edition to combat climate change globally

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The International COP conferences play a key role in global efforts to combat climate change. They serve as a platform for discussing and making decisions on the most pressing environmental issues, helping to develop strategies and policies aimed at sustainable development and reducing negative impacts on the environment.

COP27, held in November 2022 in the Egyptian resort city of Sharm El Sheikh, drew attention to issues of climate change, carbon dioxide emissions, and coal usage by major countries. Participants focused particularly on issues of responsibility for climate risks and the increase in global temperature, which leads to disasters such as wildfires in various countries. Egypt actively promoted the need to adhere to the principles of the 2015 Paris Agreement and to develop a common strategy aimed at mitigating the consequences of the industrial revolution.

Egypt emphasized that to eliminate the harmful effects of climate change, it is necessary to develop a common strategy based on the responsibility of major countries for the dangers caused by the negative consequences of the industrial revolution. The country also called for the adoption of various types of green economy, based on the use of environmentally safe materials; otherwise, the atmosphere will become even more polluted. It was strongly stated that measures to protect the environment should be implemented consistently, and the use of alternative energy sources and green economy projects should be expanded. Egypt has already taken the first steps in this direction, creating an entire city in Aswan, implementing environmental projects in Sharm El Sheikh, and expanding the use of solar energy. This demonstrates Egypt’s successes in the field of ecology and the green economy.

It is expected that the next conference, COP29, will be held in Azerbaijan. I believe that holding the upcoming summit in Azerbaijan is of great importance, given the important position of this country on the international stage. This position is determined by several factors.

First, Azerbaijan is a country with increasing geopolitical significance not only in the South Caucasus region but also globally. Azerbaijan is located on routes connecting the West and the East, Asia and Europe, which gives it both regional and international interest and role. Azerbaijan is at the crossroads of interests of various states and acts as a link between the regions of the Caspian Sea, the South Caucasus, Central Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. The nature and geography of Azerbaijan, which includes plains and mountainous areas, are also very favorable for effective agriculture. About 4.32 million hectares, or 50% of Azerbaijan’s territory, are suitable for agriculture, which proves its significance as a producing country.

Second, Azerbaijan’s significance is manifested in its unique biodiversity. The country has registered 4,500 species of higher plants, creating a rare climatic regime unparalleled in other republics of the South Caucasus. According to data from Eastern travelers and naturalists since the 17th century, Azerbaijan is home to 106 species of mammals, 96 species of fish, 363 species of birds, 10 species of amphibians, and 52 species of reptiles.

Azerbaijan is also known for its underground resources, such as oil and gas. Two thirds of its oil and gas reserves are located on the Absheron Peninsula, the Caspian shelf, and the Baku archipelago. It is said that the oil industry in Azerbaijan, specifically in Baku, originated in the second half of the 19th century. In the early 20th century, half of the world’s oil was produced in Baku. In 1941, Azerbaijan accounted for 70% of the Soviet Union’s oil production. Azerbaijan is also rich in minerals such as iron, manganese, titanium, chromium, copper, cobalt, composite ores, antimony, gold, silver, molybdenum, and others. Most iron ore deposits are located in Dashkasan. There are also deposits of limestone and travertine located in Gobustan, on the Absheron Peninsula, in Tovuz, and Nakhchivan. Azerbaijan also has marble deposits.

These data show that Azerbaijan is a country of great strategic importance both in the Caucasus region and globally. Since Soviet times to the present day, strategically important highways, railways, oil and gas pipelines, energy and electricity lines have passed through this country. The Caucasus has always been a hub connecting the West and the East, as well as the endpoint of the historic Silk Road. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the independence of Azerbaijan and the Central Asian republics, the Caucasus became a transit route between the West and the East. This region also became a link between the North and the South. This region is also a meeting place for many ancient cultures and states. In this regard, the role of Azerbaijani culture is significant.
All these factors will increase the importance of the conference to be held in Azerbaijan. I believe that this conference will focus on sustainable environmental protection, increasing the role of alternative energy sources in Asia, and the use of green energy. Issues related to preventing local wars, such as those occurring in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip, leading to catastrophic consequences, will also be discussed. I hope that I will also be able to participate in this conference.

P.S. Participation in such international conferences not only highlights the importance of the country on the world stage but also promotes the exchange of experience, strengthening international ties, and developing effective strategies for future sustainable development. This is a unique opportunity for Azerbaijan to showcase its achievements and leadership in the fields of ecology and sustainable development.

* Source: NewsAZ


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