‘Mass participation in funerals of copter crash martyrs proved Iranian nation’s loyalty to Revolution’

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Tehran, IRNA – Supreme Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has said that the mass participation in funeral processions of Martyr president Ebrahim Raisi and his entourage showed to the world that the Iranian people are loyal to those who adhere to the slogans of the Islamic Revolution.

The Supreme Leader made the comment on Saturday during a meeting with family members of the late foreign minister Hossein Amirabdollahian and other companions of Raisi, who were martyred in a helicopter crash a week ago. Ayatollah Khamenei already met with family members of President Raisi at their home in Tehran on Wednesday night.

During the Saturday meeting, also held in Tehran, the Supreme Leader hailed the big participation of people in the funeral processions for all the martyrs, which were held in different Iranian cities including the capital city, Tabriz, Qom, and Mashhad.

He referred to a propaganda campaign by enemies claiming that the Iranian people have become separated from the Islamic Republic, saying that the huge public participation in the recent mourning ceremonies proved to the world that the Iranians have been and are loyal to President Raisi and all those who adhere to the Revolution’s slogans.

Mr. Raisi was known in the world as the president of the Revolution, Ayatollah Khamenei said, adding that the huge public support and admiration for him means that people support the slogans of the Revolution as well.

The Supreme Leader described President Raisi and Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian as tireless, saying that they made a lot of efforts and rendered many services both inside and outside of the country.

Ayatollah Khamenei also praised other martyrs of the helicopter crash, including the Friday prayers imam of the city of Tabriz Mohammad Ali Al-e-Hashem for their big efforts aimed at serving the Iranian people.

Earlier on Saturday, the Supreme Leader hosted a memorial ceremony for the martyrs of the copter crash, which was attended by Iranian officials and people as well as foreign ambassadors and representatives to Iran.


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