A Horrific Fall of the West and a Remarkable Rise of the East

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Authored by: Ahmed Moustafa

Egyptian Economist and International Youth Coach

Director of Asia Center for Studies and Translation


Asia Center for Studies and Translation – Directed by Ahmed Moustafa (wordpress.com)

Master Holder in Political Economy 2021, HSE Moscow

Member of CODESRIA, Dakar, Senegal, and Group of Strategic Vision

Russia and Islamic World, Journalists Against Extremism

Cellphone: +201009229411 

Email: solimon2244@yahoo.com


When we were talking about a new world order several years ago, those with the Western agenda and the submissive ones in the region were mocking us, as if defeat and submission to the enemy who represents the American agenda were a chronic addiction for them.

Perhaps because some people benefited from the current situation or perhaps because they did not imagine it and built theories and books dedicated to coexistence for an unlimited period with the Zionist enemy and the hegemony of Western colonial neoliberalism.

But some major countries, promising powers, were preparing for change, especially (Russia and China) – and this is according to two expert interviews that I conducted with two diplomats, one Arab and the other Muslim, during my master’s scholarship in Moscow in political economy and Russian studies.

The contemporary Western world has witnessed a decline in various aspects, including economic prowess, political influence, and societal cohesion. Here we explore the reasons behind this decline, providing an in-depth analysis of the factors contributing to it, which are as follows:

Based on their testimony and the testimony of twenty others, the West’s decline is attributed to several factors, including economic recession, geopolitical shifts, social challenges, technological progress, and a crisis of values. Economic growth has been weakened by the 2008 financial crisis, the Corona pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and the subsequent slowdown in recovery. Emerging economies, particularly in Asia and Eurasia, are rapidly gaining ground due to industrialization, technological advances, and competitive labor costs. This stagnant economic growth has reduced the ability of Western countries to maintain their dominance and global influence.

Geopolitical shifts have also played a crucial role in the West’s decline. The emergence of powerful non-Western countries like China, Russia, India, Brazil, and ASEAN has changed the global power balance, making it difficult for the West to exercise complete control over international institutions or dictate global norms. This erosion of strategic advantages has led to a decline in its influence and weakening of alliances.

Social challenges include widening income inequality, demographic shifts, and increasing social fragmentation, which strain the social fabric, undermining societal cohesion, and impeding progress. The erosion of social cohesion creates opportunities for populism, polarization, and political gridlock, perpetuating instability and impeding effective governance.

Technological progress has also exacerbated the West’s decline. The advent of the Internet and transformative technologies has leveled the playing field, allowing non-Western societies to outperform Western countries. The West’s lack of shared vision and declining credibility will undermine its standing and make it vulnerable to challenges posed by alternative systems and ideologies.

The rise of fanatics and mediocrity in the Western world is an indication of the weakness of the West

The West’s weakening is attributed to a lack of real leadership, limited policy-making ability, and the abrogation of moral values and principles. This has led to a culture of violence, fanaticism, and intolerance, as well as an alarming increase in divisions. The political leadership has failed to address complex problems and the erosion of shared values, resulting in a culture of narcissism, greed, and self-centeredness. The absence of real leadership has led to a decline in human life value and increased power of those who benefit from social and economic inequality.

The rise of populism has made it easier for demagogues to rise, leading to increased divisions and intolerance. The West’s inability to form meaningful international coalitions as global stewards has resulted in a decline in international dialogue and understanding. This trend is indicative of the West’s weakening, and political and ethical leadership is needed to reassert moral and ethical foundations that have underpinned the West in the past and could provide the basis for shared values and progress in the future.

It seems that the West will fall at the feet of Putin and Xi

The West’s growing divide between far-right and left-wing leadership is creating a dangerous situation where Putin and Xi Jinping can dominate and benefit. Putin has shown a willingness to interfere in European countries’ internal politics, while Xi is expected to be a more influential global leader.

Their expanded power and resources will allow them to exercise control over the West in a unique way. Western extremist leaders can use their aggressive rhetoric to spread fear, hatred, and distrust among their followers, making the West more susceptible to their influence.

The recent victory over Eastern Ukraine by Russian President Vladimir Putin has caused tension between Russia and the West, with the US unable to provide aid to the Ukrainian government. Economic sanctions imposed by the West have been ineffective and negatively impacted Europe.

The situation has become increasingly volatile, with Moscow defending its interests and allies. With the West unwilling to send military support and economic sanctions have little impact, the Ukrainian government has been left alone in the face of the Russian onslaught. This puts the US in an awkward position with the ongoing situation in Palestine, with no viable options to support Ukraine and protect its citizens from the Russian special operation.

A Moral Dilemma tarnishes both the United States and Israel in Gaza

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been a long-standing conflict characterized by violence and human suffering. The recent events in Gaza have raised concerns among intellectuals that both the United States and Israel have suffered a moral defeat. The historical context of the conflict highlights the displacement of Palestinians from their homes, leading to a deep sense of injustice. Israel’s policies, such as settlement expansion, occupation, and blockade, have inflamed tensions and exacerbated Palestinian suffering. The United States, as a close ally of Israel, has consistently supported these policies, drawing criticism about its moral responsibility for the ongoing crisis in Gaza.

The moral stance of the United States and Israel has been challenged by their use of force in Gaza, with the last operation after October 7th, 2023 resulting in a disproportionately high number of civilian casualties, primarily children and women. Both countries have been accused of failing to protect innocent lives and targeting civilian infrastructure under the false pretext of international law.

The impact of economic and political interference in perpetuating the conflict increases moral defeat. The United States provides significant military aid to Israel, which enhances its military capabilities and undermines international efforts to reach a peaceful solution. This complicity in supporting Israeli policies has eroded their moral standing by perpetuating a cycle of violence and oppression, undermining their claims to be champions of justice and human rights.

The humanitarian crisis in Gaza reflects a moral failure on the part of Israel and the United States of America. The blockade of Gaza, imposed primarily by Israel with the support of the United States, has severely restricted the flow of basic goods, leading to high poverty rates, limited access to basic services, and an overburdened healthcare system.

Indeed, through this article, we call for a union of free people, intellectuals, and people of conscience in the world to criminally prosecute a number of Israeli, American, British, European, Canadian, Japanese, and Indian leaders. Those political leaders that support the Zionist entity in its genocidal operations against our brotherly people in Gaza. It also bombs hospitals, mosques, churches, and homes daily with false claims, namely the war on terrorism, and arresting the leaders of Hamas and Al-Qassam, despite the fact that the oppressed have the right to defend themselves, not the occupier!

US financial experts believe that the US cannot afford to offer $30 billion to Israel due to a significant domestic deficit. The US has a combined deficit of over $3.2 trillion, resulting in a $100000 debt per capita.

The increased unemployment rate and projected economic slowdown suggest it will take years for the US to recover from this fiscal rut. Despite Israel being a strong supporter, the US must manage its domestic fiscal issues carefully before offering further foreign aid.

West’s double standard and racism demolished its superiority 

The ‘West’s superiority’ is questioned due to its double standard and racism. Despite claiming to uphold democratic values, the West has consistently enforced policies based on racism and white supremacy, including colonialism, forced labor, segregation, and exclusion of minority groups from higher education and economic opportunities. The rise of modernity and globalization has further highlighted this double standard, as Western countries have used their global powers to treat non-Western nations as they wish while demanding compliance with Western rules and values.

This double standard has perpetuated the oppression of marginalized groups and created global inequalities. Furthermore, Western nations have placed racial and religious minorities in a subordinate position, ignoring their needs and marginalizing their rights. The West’s claims of superiority are based on a flawed foundation of racism and double standards, and without addressing these injustices, progress cannot be made.

In conclusion, we would like to advise Western peoples, in particular, to improve their electoral choices for leaders and to try to propose laws to hold negligent officials accountable, as China does, for example. We also advise the current Western leaders to reconsider dealing with the world because their options have become very limited, as the West is no longer the first economic power or the first military power. Evidenced by the catastrophic failure in Ukraine and the spending of voters’ tax money on matters that have nothing to do with the citizens, but only preserve the rights of the politically and economically influential lobbies, democracy has become flawed with the failure to select the best. Young people in America must create other parties that express their interests, far from the two big corrupt parties, which unfortunately only express the interests of the Federal Reserve and the large lobbies and not the interests of the American citizens.


Transparency, my 🌉 to all..

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