Currently.. Renewable & non-refundable energy, incomparable

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Ahmed Mostafa

What is a fair market price?

Is it really possible to set a limit to the global energy price?

And what’s wrong with that?

No doubt that the bright future of Egypt of the global energy market, especially after the recent discoveries in the exclusive economic waters in the Mediterranean, also the issue of OPEC Plus, the reduction of global production and the opening of China after the lifting of the ban due to the decrease in infections with the Corona virus.

Thus, Egyptian energy expert, specialist and former minister M/ Abdullah Ghorab said:

Those who believe that energy is not one of the most important resources, but rather strategic weapons in the world, as was claimed by some ignorant people of strategy, and unfortunately they are called intellectuals and academics – who believe that the countries that God has endowed with this wealth are states whose economy is rentier only, and they have no role in progress And global growth from their point of view.

We remind them that what happened in Iraq 2003, Syria and Libya 2011 all together was either because of energy resources and the West’s attempt to control them, or because of the roads or pipelines for energy passage in the Syrian case, and now the Ukrainian crisis has proven that the issue of energy is fundamental and sensitive.

The most powerful economies in the world cannot be upright without energy that is consistently and sustainably available, and Europe and America will suffer with the fall of this year 2023, as the Ukrainian crisis did not end peacefully after they spent about $200 billion on Ukraine in vain and without any attack achieved from the Ukrainian side so far.

And that renewable energy cannot compete with conventional energy at the present time, but rather needs about $200 billion for a technological shift that makes it compete with a rate ranging between 30-40% of the globally recognized energy mix, and after 30-40 years as well, not now.


Transparency, my 🌉 to all..

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