Assistant Secretary-General Ambassador Hossam Zaki flies to Lebanon to explore political leaders’ views on the upcoming presidential elections

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Ashraf AboArafe

Proceeding from the Arab League’s keenness to keep pace with Lebanon in all important stages and sensing it to the dangerous repercussions that will result from the country entering a presidential vacuum in the event that a President of the Republic is not elected before the constitutional deadline expires on the 31st of this month, Ambassador Hossam Zaki, Assistant Secretary-General, commissioned by Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary-General of the Arab League, visited Lebanon, with the aim of anticipating the views of political leaders on the upcoming presidential elections, and looking at ways to address the political blockage in the country.

The personal envoy of the Secretary-General began his visit by holding several meetings with leaders of parliamentary blocs from all colors of the political spectrum, including President Nabih Berri, Speaker of Parliament – head of the Amal Movement, Mr. Gibran Bassil, head of the Free Patriotic Movement, Mr. Samir Geagea, head of the Lebanese Forces Party, and Mr. Walid Jumblatt, leader of the Progressive Party The Socialist and Mr. Sami Gemayel, head of the Kataeb Party, in addition to a number of change and independent MPs.

Zaki also met with His Excellency President General Michel Aoun and Prime Minister Najib Mikati, and held talks with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Abdullah Bou Habib.

During these meetings, Zaki listened to various points of view regarding the upcoming presidential election and the repercussions of entering a presidential vacancy, especially with the limited time available to complete this election on time.

After Al-Zubarah, Ambassador Hossam Zaki stated that he sensed a great divergence of views between the political leaders, as well as the weak channels of communication between them, which may put the country in a very difficult situation, especially in light of the international preoccupation with the Ukrainian crisis.

The Assistant Secretary-General added that Lebanon cannot bear the state of “get used to the crisis” or accept the presidential vacuum in light of the severe economic crisis it is going through, which is reflected in the living conditions of citizens and the social situation in the country in a way that represents a source of concern and annoyance for all Lebanon’s lovers and supporters. During his interviews, Zaki appealed to all political leaders to present the national interest, sit together and open channels of consultation in order to agree on this important constitutional entitlement, pointing out that the luxury of time is not available, and relying on external solutions alone will not contribute to solving the crisis in light of the severe tension on the The international arena and the aggravation of global crises.

Zaki reiterated the Arab League’s readiness to play any role requested of it to help Lebanon overcome the political crisis, especially since all the parties he met welcomed the Arab League’s support for Lebanon at this important stage.


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