Presidential elections of Uzbekistan 2021, praised by observers and remarkably appreciated by Uzbeks as Shavkat Mirziyoyev scored 2nd WIN

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Ashraf AboArafe

The Acting Ambassador of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Mr. Lutfuddin Khojayev announced that the presidential elections that took place on the 24th of last month, won the appreciation of the world, east and west, and President Shavkat Mirziyoyev managed to win them for the second time in a row by 80.1% against his rivals. This came through his speech opening the press conference Which was set up by the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Cairo this evening at the embassy’s headquarters.

Khojayev said: According to the amendment of Article 117 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, for the first time presidential elections were held in October. Out of 2,515,907 voters, 1,621,2343, including citizens abroad, participated in the presidential election or 80.4 percent of the total number of voters. From 14 to 20 October this year, 421,618 voters attended the early voting.

* Development. . Remarkable preparations!

Mr. Khojayev emphasized that the necessary conditions have been created for reliable protection of public health from the coronavirus epidemic. The elections were held under the full precautionary measures of quarantine requirements and on the basis of the Election Law, which was adopted in 2019. As noted by international and foreign experts, the electoral legislation in Uzbekistan and the practice of holding elections has been significantly developed. It also improves the information system for managing electoral processes. In particular, 414 CCTV cameras were installed in polling stations located in 207 districts and cities of Uzbekistan. This is 147 percent more than in 2019, when the parliamentary elections were held. In addition, an online presentation of the voting process was launched at all polling stations. This process was continuously broadcast live, in particular on the CEC electoral portal and on the big screen in the CEC Press Center building, as well as on the national television channel.

* Openness .. and transparency!

The elections were held in a democratic framework based on the principles of openness and transparency. In an atmosphere of intense inter-party conflict, presidential candidates from the parties and their representatives actively participated. They promoted their own program, and conducted election campaigns in all regions of the country. Each presidential candidate received 210 minutes of free broadcast on television channels such as “Uzbekistan 24”, “Uzbekistan”, “Yashlar”, “Al-Mahalla” and “Muniyat and Knowledge”. Television and radio programs of political parties were broadcast four times on each channel. For these purposes, the National Television and Radio Corporation of Uzbekistan has allocated 1900 minutes on 13 regional television channels. The electoral process was widely covered by the media. The presidential elections were held in full compliance with national electoral legislation that met international standards.

* National newspapers .. and candidates!

Ambassador Khogayev added that during the election campaign, the national newspapers “Yanji Uzbekistan”, “Pravda Vostoka”, “Khalek Suzy” and “Narodnoyu Slovo” submitted five pages to each presidential candidate. For each candidate, 42 pages were submitted by 26 local newspapers in the regions. For the first time, television debates took place between the candidates’ representatives. This allowed the electorate to compare the ideas of each political party, which could freely express their opinions, to present new proposals and initiatives to change the life of the state and society. The election campaign posters, reflecting the biography and electoral program of the presidential candidates, were published in Uzbek, Karakbak, and Russian, and for the first time in Tajik, Kazakh, Turkmen and Kyrgyz. Information regarding the candidates was regularly displayed on electronic screens installed across the country. Campaign materials were distributed in audio format and provided with sign language interpretation for the full participation in the elections for citizens with disabilities. A large number of representatives of civil society institutions actively participated in all phases of the electoral campaign. The electoral process was covered by 1,439 representatives of 197 national media and 233 journalists from more than 140 foreign media. The total number of accredited journalists reached 1,672. The elections were directly monitored by 631 international observers from 20 international organizations, such as the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, and the Shanghai Organization Cooperation, the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking Countries and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

Khojayev referred to the number of observers of the electoral process, which reached 340 foreign observers from about 50 countries. In total, there are 971 international and foreign observers. In addition, 64,450 representatives of five political parties and self-government bodies took an active part in the electoral process as national observers. And 299,780 citizens on the voter lists were given the opportunity to vote in 54 polling stations in 37 foreign countries. Previously, only citizens of Uzbekistan officially registered with consular posts took part in the elections. The current elections were held in 11 countries where Uzbekistan does not have diplomatic missions, the necessary conditions were created for citizens abroad. An additional 380 mobile polling stations have been established in 149 cities in the world.


* For the first time!

Khojayev drew attention to the observation of significant voting numbers in the presidential elections: on the one hand, 887,686 young men and women exercised their constitutional rights for the first time, and on the other hand, 22,000 of our compatriots gained the right to participate in the elections, where they obtained Uzbek citizenship. When the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan was elected, the people not only elected the head of state, but also chose the future of the new Uzbekistan. In addition, he made a worthy assessment of the large-scale reforms and rapid democratic transitions within the framework of the Action Strategy, which have been implemented over the past five years.

He made a worthy assessment of the wide-ranging reforms and rapid democratic transitions within the framework of the Action Strategy, which have been implemented over the past five years. The acting ambassador continued:

In practice, the Uzbek people confirmed their commitment to the effectively implemented initiatives of the head of state – Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the author and organizer of this strategic program, a true patriot and a selfless person.

Indeed, under the leadership of the elected president, drastic changes occurred in all spheres of life in the country in a short period of time. As a result of the consistent domestic and foreign policy of the head of state, Uzbekistan is rapidly developing, and people’s lives are becoming more prosperous.

Reforms aimed at the legislative harmonization of socio-economic and spiritual-political relations on the basis of democratic principles, further improvement of the quality and standard of living of the population give their practical effect. The rights and human dignity of citizens are of paramount importance.

The people of Uzbekistan expressed their confidence that they, together with the leader of the nation Shavkat Mirzayev, are ready to take part in the construction of the new Uzbekistan. Once again, the voters strongly supported with their votes the creative and highly responsible work of the President of Uzbekistan on the path of creating the foundations of the Third Renaissance.

And most importantly, the presidential elections in the new Uzbekistan clearly demonstrated the formation of a new electoral vision of the world. This was reflected in the growing political activity of citizens and a sense of belonging to the fate of the new Uzbekistan, and, accordingly, to its future, the future of new generations.

The electoral process took place in accordance with the rules of international law and the principles of transparency, pluralism, freedom and equality. The legislation on the electoral system determines the free participation of citizens in the electoral campaign and voting, secret voting, and the direct implementation of this by each individual citizen.

Most international, foreign and national observers have noted the rise in political activity in Uzbekistan, although some have pointed out some shortcomings. This is a sign of political activity, not artificial, but natural, emanating from the hearts and minds of people. This is a very great achievement.

This is a sign of political activity, not artificial, but natural, emanating from the hearts and minds of people. This is a very great achievement.

As a main result of the elections, it should be noted that the people of Uzbekistan, expressing their will and determination to further deepen the ongoing reforms, support foreign policy, which is also highly appreciated by the international community.Why? Because today, as a result of the reforms, a new Uzbekistan has appeared, the voice of Uzbekistan is heard and has a great influence not only on solving problems in the region, but also in the hinterland.

The question arises: why did the international observers come to Uzbekistan? What are their main findings?

First of all, it should be noted that the most important thing for us is the assessment of the elections by the citizens of Uzbekistan. Because elections are by their nature the most important factor in building trust between the people and the authorities and unifying society. Electoral fraud was caused by the chaos and crises in many countries. It is no coincidence that the elections are closely monitored by political parties and the media, and this is very important.

At the same time, the opinion of the international community deserves attention. This, first of all, is necessary for the classification of Uzbekistan and the image of the country in the world.

It must be understood that Uzbekistan’s international rating will rise as a result of free and fair elections. This will change the terms of receipt of investments, funds allocated by financial institutions, in a manner acceptable to us. That is, elections are not only a political factor, but also an economic factor. The result will lead to positive changes that will affect the lives of the people of Uzbekistan.

The quality level of election observers should also be taken into consideration. Among them are members of the leading democratic parliaments and delegations from major international organizations.

Active participation of our compatriots in voting, sincere fulfillment of their constitutional duty is living proof that the people of Uzbekistan are not indifferent to the future of the motherland. What is important is that this activity is manifested in the same way in all regions of the country and abroad.

Summing up the above, we can say that changing the worldview is a great achievement. If a person’s consciousness and worldview changes, then his life will definitely change.

These elections opened new horizons for the new Uzbekistan. There is no doubt that we will all unite around the president-elect and serve the great future of Uzbekistan.

* Watch the era!

As eyewitnesses, Dr. Magdy Zaabal, President of the Egyptian-Uzbek Friendship Association, praised the electoral process, describing it as “youthful” due to the remarkable turnout of young people and asking them: “What does the massive participation of young people mean to elect the president?” The answer was according to Dr. Magdy Zaabal: “We are drawing our future from now on”.Dr. confirmed. Magdy Zaabal said that the elections witnessed unprecedented integrity, especially as he was keen to monitor the elections in the depths of the city and the outskirts..accompanied by the Egyptian embassy staff led by Ambassador Amira Fahmy, who did her utmost during the electoral process and a welcome and farewell..

And the winning president Shavkat Mirziyoyev, described by d. Zaabal is the darling of the hearts of the Uzbek people, especially the youth, because of his humility, his successful political and economic background, and his coexistence with all segments of the people.

* Huge economic boom!

As for Counselor Hamdi Abul-Enein, he justified President Shavkat Mirziyoyev’s victory in the presidency for the second time as a culmination of his previous success as prime minister and his familiarity with the threads of the human, political, economic, social and cultural development process. Appreciate and respect the world.

As a man and a well-known economic and industrial expert, Counselor Abou El-Enein called for the promotion of trade exchange between Egypt and Uzbekistan directly, as most of the Turkish products were manufactured in Uzbekistan, especially textiles, especially that Uzbekistan occupies a large position in the cultivation of short and medium staple cotton.

Mr. Hamdi Abul-Enein expressed his great admiration for the industrial boom that Uzbekistan is witnessing under the good rule of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. His Excellency saw this well during his visit to several giant companies in Uzbekistan.Counselor Abul-Enein also called for an increase in the number of flights between Egypt and Uzbekistan instead of one flight per week in support of revitalizing tourism and concluding economic and educational agreements due to the huge boom in Uzbekistan in the field of digital education, as well as the main similarities between Egypt and Uzbekistan, especially the cultural ones.


Transparency, my 🌉 to all..

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