He expressed his great honour and utmost delight to present his credentials to His Majesty. He also affirmed to exert his utmost effort to promote the relations between the UK and the Sultanate in various spheres to serve their joint interests. His Majesty the Sultan welcomed the British Ambassador and thanked Queen Elizabeth II for her greetings and best wishes. His Majesty affirmed to the ambassador that he would receive all support from His Majesty, the government and the Omani people in a manner that would facilitate him carrying out his assignments.
His Majesty also received credentials of Toshinori Kobayashi as extraordinary and plenipotentiary Ambassador of Emperor Akihito of Japan accredited to the Sultanate. The ambassador conveyed greetings of Emperor Akihito along with his best wishes of good health, well-being and a long life to His Majesty the Sultan, and the Omani people further progress and growth under the wise leadership of His Majesty the Sultan. He expressed his great honour and utmost happiness to present his credentials to His Majesty. He affirmed to exert his utmost effort to enhance the relations between Japan and the Sultanate in various spheres to serve their joint interests.
His Majesty the Sultan welcomed the Japanese Ambassador and thanked Emperor Akihito for his greetings and best wishes. His Majesty affirmed to the ambassador that he would receive all support from His Majesty, the Government and the Omani people in a manner that would facilitate him carrying out his tasks. The credentials’ presentation ceremony was attended by the Minister of the Diwan of Royal Court, the Minister Responsible for Foreign Affairs, Head of the Military Protocols, Commander of the Royal Guard of Oman (RGO) and the military aides of His Majesty the Sultan. — ONA