Russian president condoles with Iran on Ahvaz terror attack

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Moscow, Sept 22, IRNA – Russian President Vladimir Putin in a message extended condolences on the occasion of a deadly terrorist attack in southwestern city of Ahvaz.

Irna – In his Saturday message to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani which was released by Kremlin, Putin underlined developing cooperation in fighting terrorism between Iran and Russia.

He also hoped for punishing all agents affiliated with the criminal and bloody attack.

These attacks once again reminded us of the need to all-out fight against terrorism, the message reads.

Russia underlines readiness for reinforcing cooperation with Iranian partners in fighting terrorism.

At least 24 people were killed and more than 53 others were injured during Saturday morning terror attack in Ahvaz, capital of the Khuzestan Province, in southwestern Iran.

‘The terrorists disguised as the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) and Basiji (volunteer) forces opened fire at the authorities and people from behind the stand during the parade,’ Governor of Khuzestan Gholam-Reza Shariati said earlier.

The self-proclaimed Saudi-affiliated Al-Ahwaz terrorist group claimed the responsibility for the attack.


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